The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP)

The National AIDS Control Programme was launched in 1992, is being implemented as a comprehensive programme for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India. It is being implemented in phased manner as NACP 1( 1992-1999), NACP 2(1999-2006), NACP 3 (2007-2012), NACP 4(2012-2017).and national strategic plan (2017-2024) is also known as phase V. India’s HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Act, 2017 was passed to enhance our fight against AIDS.
The objectives of NACP are
1.      To reduce spread of  HIV infection in india.
2.      To strengthen India’s capacity to respond to HIV/AIDS on a long term basis.
3.      To reduce blood born transmission of HIV to less than 1 %.
4.      To attain awareness level of not less than 90% in the community.
5.      To establish atleast one voluntary counselling and testing center in each district.
6.      To achieve zero level of increase  of HIV/AIDS prevalence.

The activities of NACP are
A. Prevention
1. High risk populations
a.        Targeted interventions
b.       STD treatment
c.        Condom programming
d.       Multisectoral collaboration
e.       Public private partnership
2. Low risk populations
a.        Holistic IEC and social mobilization
b.       Safe blood
c.        Voluntary counselling and testing
d.       AIDS vaccine initiative
e.       Sensitizing youth and adolescents
B. Care
Low cost care and support
a.        Prevention of parent to child transmission
b.       Management of HIV-TB co-infection
c.     Treatment of opportunistic infections
d.         Piloting ART
e.         Post exposure prophylaxis
C. Collaboration
Inter-sectoral collaboration
a.          Involvement of ministries and departments
b.       Workplace interventions
C.    Public private partnership
d.         Partnership with other stakeholders
e.         Involvement of PLHA
D.       Build Capacities
Institutional Strengthening
a.          Programme management
b.         Surveillance
c.          AIDS vaccine initiatives
d.         Operations research
e.         Training


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