The World Health Organisation

The World Health Organisation was Founded on 7 april  1948. 7 april is celebrated as world health day. it is a specialized agency of the United Nations and have 194 Member countries.

Headquarter of WHO is in Geneva.
It consists of three principal organs
1.     The world health assembly which is supreme governing body of WHO.
2.     The executive board which implements decisions and policies of world health assembly.
3.     The secretariat which is headed by the director general of WHO and is the chief technical and administrative officer of it.

WHO have 6 regions .
1.     South East Asia which has headquarter in Delhi.
2.     Africa which has headquarter in Harare.
3.     America which has headquarter in Washington DC
4.     Europe which has headquarter in Copenhagen.
5.     Eastern Mediterranean which has headquarter in Alexandria.
6.     Western Pacific which has headquarter in Manila.

 WHO promotes technical cooperation for health among nations, carries out programmes to control and eradicate disease, and strives to improve the quality of human life.
WHO has four main functions:
* to give worldwide guidance in the field of health
* to set global standards for health
* to cooperate with governments in strengthening national health programmes
* to develop and transfer appropriate health technology, information and standards

Other functions includes-
1.     Prevention and control of specific diseases.
2.     Development of comprehensive health services.
3.     Family Health
4.     Environmental  health
5.     Health statistics
6.     Biomedical research
7.     Health literature and information.

Visit website who.int for detail about the WHO.
Visit website openwho.org for learning material.
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