Child health Nursing

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Child health Nursing or Pediatric nursing is the nursing care of neonates and children up to adolescence, usually in an in-patient hospital or day-clinic. Pediatrics comes from the Greek words 'paedia' which means child, 'iatrike' which means treatment.
Pediatric nursing is the specialized area of the nursing practice concerning the care of children during wellness and illness, which includes preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care of children.

Modern concept of child health nursing-
The present concept of health care of children focus on prevention of illness and promotion of health rather than treatment of illness alone. the goal of paediatric nursing is to focus on the growth and development of children and promote on state of health physically, mentally and socially. by providing effective nursing care to children we can minimise psychological trauma of hospitalization and help children to adjust the situation. play therapy has very important role in this condition. to provide comprehensive care we should understand growth and development process of the children and their response to the therapy. as per modern concept of Child Health Nursing we provide children centric and family involving care to the child . Parents are involved in Planning and implementation of nursing care so that the child feels at home. This modern concept is well understood by the word ACADEMIC.
A- Advocate for child and family
C- Communicate for child
A- Activate the child activity
D- Disseminate information about child care
E- Educate the public about child health
M- Motivate people in care of child
I- Investigate available resources
C- Collaborative care activity

Principles of child health nursing
1. Build a working relationship with the parents and their children from the time of first contact.
2. Nurse should be aware that all behaviors of parents and children are meaningful.
3. Accept parents and their children exactly as they are. 4. Allow them to know that their problems are important and the nurse is there to aid in their solutions.
4. The paediatric nurse should have empathy for parents and children.
5. Willing to acknowledge the parent's right to their own decisions concerning their accident.
6. Allows the parents amd their children to express their emotions, even negative emotions.
7. Speak a language understandable to the parent and children.
8. Ask questions limited to a single idea or reference.
9. Have an empathy for parents and children.
10. Must help the parents to feel that there is unity among the health team.

Trends in child health nursing
child centered care
flexible visiting hours
High technology care
in patient support group
school teachers involved in the care of hospitalized child
play in school and Hospital
care by parents and family  members specially mother
health and nursing team collaboration
evidence based practice
prevention of disease and promotion of health

Nursing Management of hospitalized child –
1.     In the most instances, the nurse is the primary person involved in the care of a hospitalized child.
2.     The nurse is first one to see the child and family and spend more time with them than other health care personnel.
3.      Nurse must try to minimize the Childs distress so that the hospital stay will be as pleasant an experience as possible.
4.     Nurse must try to minimize the Effect of Hospitalization Developmentally. When addressing the fear, separation anxiety and loss of control that occur in hospitalized children, the nurse should consider Childs age and cognitive/developmental level.
5.     While Preparing the Child and Family for Surgery, The parents should be allowed to stay with the child until surgery begins, and after surgery in post anesthesia area.
6.     The Nurse should Maintain Safety During Hospitalization.
7.     Provide Basic Care for the Hospitalized Child ,Basic care involves general hygiene measures including bathing, hair care, oral care, and nutritional care.
8.     If parents are present allow them to provide care for the child to decrease the Childs stress.  Older children may perform hygiene measures themselves but may need some assistance from nurse.
9.     Provide Play, Activities, and Recreation for the Hospitalized Child.
10.                        Promote Schoolwork and Education During Hospitalization.
11.                        Assess the factor that may influence the families reaction to the child's hospitalization. Encourage families to have support system in place before, during and after hospitalization.
12.                        Prepare the Child and Family for Discharge.  Discharge planning actually begins upon admission. On discharge children and their parent receives written instruction about home care and copy of retained in the medical records. Explain, demonstrate and request a return demonstration of any treatment or procedure to be done at home.
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  1. "Save Girl Child" is an urgent call that resonates with the very essence of our society. This article powerfully underscores the importance of initiatives like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. In Delhi, India, the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao NGO is a beacon of hope, working relentlessly to protect and empower our girls. By raising awareness and addressing the deeply entrenched prejudices against girl children, this initiative is sowing the seeds of change. It reminds us that gender equality begins with the birth and upbringing of every girl. Empowering them with education and good health ensures a brighter, more equitable future for our nation.



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