Community Needs Assessment.
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A community needs assessment identifies the strengths and resources available in the community to meet the needs of children, youth, and families. The assessment focuses on the capabilities of the community, including its citizens, agencies, and organizations.

Community health needs assessment is a process that:  describes the state of health of local people;  enables the identification of the major risk factors and causes of ill health; and  enables the identification of the actions needed to address these. A community health needs assessment is not a one-off activity but a developmental process that is added to and amended over time. It is not an end in itself but a way of using information to plan health care and public health programmes in the future.

The purpose of a community needs assessment is to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the community and the ability in which the community can and will respond to health promotion strategies and planning .

Different types of needs in a community needs assessment
There are four different types of needs in a health care setting which have very different aspects which include:
Normative Need
A normative need refers to what is expected to be the norm for the community based on expert opinion which is based on research. ,
Expressed Need
An expressed need refers to what can be suggested about the health need of a community by observing the community. Expressed needs can be expressed via requests, complaints and petitions or by observation.
Comparative Need
Comparative need is determining the need for one area of the community based on the services used within a separate area . Comparative need may be used for a general idea of the services needed in another community without collecting data by observing a similar size community.
Felt Need
Felt need refers to what individuals in the communities which they say, feel, or desire that they need .

The principles that underpin the steps involved in the process undertaking a CNA.
01.Community need assessment should be an integral part of health promotion activities.
02.Community need assessment should reflect social view of health.
03.Community need assessment should involve both formal and informal assessment of needs and resources or assets.
04.Community need assessment should recognize the partnership between people, themselves and health workers in determining their needs and resources, planning action and evaluating any outcomes.
05.Community need assessment should involve a combination of felt, expressed, normative and comparative need.

How data is obtained for a community needs assessment
Background research
Focus group
Community forum

When performing interviews in the community for a community needs assessment it is important to gather information from people who are in a position to know the needs of the community such as community leaders, health and other professionals, as well as other individuals who may be affiliate with particular organizations or agencies which may be involved in the planning or promotion of the community development .
Background research
Research via census data can provide valuable information based on another community which may present similar problems in the community being assessed. Data can be retrieved from the SRS, World Health Organization and data from other community health records.
A survey can determine the occurrence of the use of services within the community and gather valuable information based on felt needs of an individual. Surveys can be distributed and gathered in many different forms and methods included direct one to one survey, handing out at the street, windscreen survey, posting to family in the mail as well as inserting in the local paper or magazine however many individuals will not provide feedback using this method due to the effort required, however it can give a general idea on the community needs.
Focus groups.
Focus groups involve selecting a small targeted group from the community in order to provide options to the individuals and gather specific feedback. The advantages of a focus group includes: specific and valuable information from a targeted group of individuals, real-time feedback, felt need information, and individual perceptions of community needs.

Community forums (Participatory Learning and Action )
Community forums are a great way to gain support from the community on the health promotion strategies which are being considered. Community forums involve including the community on the current issues to consult the individuals based on their needs and to ensure that each individual is heard on the current issues and the community needs which are being considered . it is also known as Participatory Learning and Action (PLA). it is a type of qualitative research, which can be used to gain an in-depth understanding of a community or situation. It is widely used in work involving local communities. PLA is a participatory methodology, and should always be conducted with the full and active participation of community members. The main purpose of PLA is to support people within communities to analyse their own situation, rather than have it analysed by outsiders, and to ensure that any learning is then translated into action
PLA is designed to be a truly participative process, in which communities have significant influence over how work is carried out.
PLA can help provide a good, in-depth understanding of a community, including its capacities and problems, from its own perspective, including the perspectives of different groups or sections of the community
, however the disadvantage is a community forum is a very involving and time consuming process therefore support from the community is needed in order for a successful community forum to ensue.

Analysis Techniques • Ask questions • Count & Compare • Examine Trends
Ask questions
Start by Asking Questions: Where are the needs? Who has the most need?
• Where do low-income individuals and families live in the agency’s service area?
• Where are the areas of highest need in the agency’s service area?
• Where are there gaps in resources?
• Are there barriers to access in specific areas of the community
• What is the demographic breakdown of population in poverty by age?
• Are there gaps in services for specific populations (e.g. child care/early education, seniors?)
• Who are we not serving, despite data telling us there is a high need?
• Did you serve the population you thought you’d serve?
• Count & Compare
Compare the Areas of Need with the Location of Services and Resources • Population profile of age demographics
• Examine Trends
Examine Trends • 3, 5, 10 year trends • What has happened over time? • What events or situations may have impacted these trends? • What does that mean for us going forward?

Tools for Visualization ( REPORTING  AND PRESENTATION OF DAT )
• Mapping • Charts & Dials•Tabulation• reporting
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