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The National Filaria Control Programme

The disease filariasis is caused by the nematode worm, either Wuchereria bancrofti or Brugia malayi and is transmitted by mosquito species Culex  and Mansonia  respectively. 

The National Filaria Control Programme (NFCP) was launched in the country in 1955, with the objective of delimiting the problem, to undertake control measures in endemic areas and to train personnel to manage the programme.

The main control measures were mass DEC (diethylcarbamazine) administration, antilarval measures in urban areas and indoor residual spray in rural areas. NFCP was assessed in 1960 which revealed the failure of mass DEC administration due to community non-cooperation and ineffectiveness of insecticidal indoor spray due to high resistance in the vector. The programme was withdrawn from rural areas while in urban areas, antilarval measures continued to be the main control method.

 The Assessment Committee in 1982 recommended extension of NFCP to rural areas through primary health care system with 100% central assistance for material & equipment, undertaking DEC medicated salt regimen in high endemic districts and control of filariasis.

Revised program was launched in 1996-97 in 13 districts in seven endemic states namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal, where MDA was undertaken. The main strategy comprises of single day mass therapy (DEC) at a dose of 6 mg/kg body wt annually, management of acute and chronic filariasis through referral services at selective centres and information education communication (IEC) for inculcating individual/community based protective and preventive measures for filaria control.

Activities under the program
Initially the activities were mainly confined to urban areas. later it was extended to rural areas . main activites includes

1. A single day mass DEC treatment at a dose of 6 mg per kg body weight once a year.
2. Vector Control through anti-mosquito spray and appropriate larvicides;
3. Biological control through larvivorous fishes;
4. Enviromental hygiene through source reduction and water management;
5. Organizing special clinics for filarial patients for effective treatmen t.
6. Anti-parasitic measures through diagnosis and "treatment of microfilaria carriers and cases; and
7. Information, Education, and Communication to generate community awareness.

Later in 2003 the programme was merged with national vector born disease control programme.
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