National Malaria Control Programme.
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In 1953, the Government of India launched the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) with a focus on indoor residual spraying of DDT. Within five years, the program helped to dramatically reduce the annual incidence of malaria. Encouraged by this, a more ambitious National Malaria Eradication Programme (NMEP) was launched in 1958. This further reduced the number of malaria cases and eliminated deaths from the disease. After 1967, however, a sense of complacency, combined with the mosquito’s resistance to insecticides and the parasite’s growing resistance to antimalarial drugs, led to a resurgence of the disease countrywide.
Between 1997 and 2005, a Malaria Control Project was implemented in select states and districts. The project supported the government’s shift from trying to control the mosquito to the prevention, early detection and treatment of human cases. While indoor residual spraying was to be more targeted and employ more environmentally neutral options, the use of larvivorous fish and bio-larvicides was encouraged, and the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets was increased. The project also supported a shift in approach from the earlier command - and - control approach for malaria control to one that emphasized community involvement and ownership.

The other activities under this program was to detect cases and to provide early treatment. the detection of malaria cases which is known as Malaria surveillance is of  two types . 
1. active surveillance 
2. passive surveillance 
in active surveillance Malaria workers use to go house to house end collect information about fever and collect blood slides for detection of malaria they also so used to distribute antimalarial drugs to the positive cases as well as for profylaxis .
Passive surveillance means detection of cases on OPD basis at PHC sub centres or other hospitals.
1999 the Government of India decided to to change the name of this program as national anti Malaria programme. Later in 2003 the programme was merged with national vector born disease control programme.

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