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           Asthma is a disease of lungs in which there is obstruction of airway. This obstruction may be due to spasm of bronchial muscles , edema of mucosa or increased secretions in the bronchial tree.



Ø  Airway infections. This includes colds, pneumonia, and sinus infections.

Ø  AllergensThe child might be allergic to things like cockroaches, dust mites, mold, pet dander, and pollen.

Ø  Irritants. Things like air pollution, chemicals, cold air, odors, or smoke can affect child’s airways.

Ø  Exercise. It can lead to wheezing, coughing, and a tight chest.

Ø  Psychological Stress. It can make your child short of breath and worsen their symptoms.



Not all children have the same asthma symptoms. A child may even have different symptoms from one episode to the next. Signs and symptoms of asthma in children include:

Ø  A cough that doesn’t go away (which may be the only symptom)

Ø  Coughing spells that happen often, especially during play or exercise, at night, in cold air, or while laughing or crying

Ø  A cough that gets worse after a viral infection.

Ø  Less energy during play, and stopping to catch his breath during activities

Ø  Avoiding sports or social activities

Ø  Trouble sleeping because of coughing or breathing problems

Ø  Rapid breathing

Ø  Chest tightness or pain

Ø  Wheezing, a whistling sound when breathing in or out.

Ø  Seesaw motions in their chest (retractions)

Ø  Shortness of breath

Ø  Tight neck and chest muscles

Ø  Feeling weak or tired

Ø  Trouble eating, or grunting while eating (in infants)



q  Physical examination-auscultaion of chest.

q  Complete blood count.

q  Nasal swab culture.

q  Pulmonary function test.

q  ABG Analysis.

q  Chest X-ray.



Ø  Avoiding triggers, using medications, and keeping an eye on daily symptoms are the best ways to control asthma in children of all ages.

Ø  The suspected stimulus should be removed, such as allergen, irritants, exercise or emotional stress.

Ø  Desensitization may help to buildup resistance to allergens

Ø  There are two main types of asthma medications:

Ø  Quick-relief medications- help with sudden symptoms. The child will take them for fast help during an asthma attack.

Ø  Long-acting medications- prevent airway inflammation  and keep asthma under control. The child will probably take them every day.

Ø  Based on the child's history, their doctor will come up with an asthma action plan and give you a copy of it. This plan describes when and how they should use asthma drugs, what to do when asthma gets worse, and when to seek emergency care. 

Ø  Child may be given antibiotics if the of asthma is bacterial infection.



Ø  -Observation of respiratory status is very important nursing care in asthma.

Ø  -Breathing pattern should  be noted for retractions, nasal flaring use of accessory muscles etc.

Ø  - The level of anxiety children and parents must be noted and informed to pediatrician.

Ø  All the medications and Nebulization should be given on time.

Ø  - The baby is observed for cyanosis if it occur head end of the bed should be raised and inform to pediatrician.

Ø  - Oxygen inhalation may be prescribed and should be administered as per recommendation .

Ø  Provide psychological support to parents to reduce anxiety.

Ø  - Signs and symptoms of dehydration should be noted and iv fluids may be given to correct it .

Ø  - Personal hygiene should be maintained with clean technique.

Ø  Regular diet should be given so that nutritional status is maintained.

Ø   Breathing exercises and habits should be explained and encouraged to follow asthma action plan.

Ø  Other Nursing interventions – includes all nursing care of hospitalized child that we have discussed in previous lecture under heading Nursing care of hospitalized child in the lecture “Child Health Nursing”.

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