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Health is multidimensional. The WHO definition tells us three specific dimensions - the physical, the mental and the social. There are more dimensions as well such as spiritual dimension, emotional dimension vocational dimensions and other dimensions.
The physical dimension - The physical dimension of health is easiest to understand. The state of physical health implies the notion of "perfect functioning" of the body. The signs of physical health in an individual are: "a good complexion, a clean skin, bright eyes, lustrous hair with a body well clothed with firm flesh, not too fat, a sweet breath, a good appetite, sound sleep, regular activity of bowels and bladder and smooth, easy & coordinated bodily movements.
Physical health ranges in quality along a health scale where a combination of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or hypertension are at one end and a person who is at optimum physical conditionis at the other.
The Mental dimension - Mental health is not mere absence of mental illness. Good mental health is the ability to respond to the many varied experiences of life with flexibility and a sense of purpose. More recently, mental health has been defined as "a state of balance between the individual and the surrounding world, a state of harmony between oneself and others, a coexistence between the realities of the self and that of other people and that of the environment"
the mind and body were considered independent entities. However, researchers have discovered that psychological factors can induce all kinds of illness, not simply mental ones. They include conditions such as essential hypertension, peptic ulcer and bronchial asthma. Some major mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia have a biological component.
The social dimension - The social dimension of health includes the levels of social skills one possesses, social functioning and the ability to see oneself as a member of a larger society. In general, social health takes into account that every individual is part of a family and of wider community and focuses on social and economic conditions and well-being of the "whole person" in the context of his social network.
The social dimension of health refers to our ability to make and maintain meaningful relationships with others. Good social health includes not only having relationships but behaving appropriately within them and maintaining socially acceptable standards. The basic social unit of relationship is the family, and these relationships impact a persons life the most. Other key relationships are close friends, social networks, teachers, and youth leaders
The spiritural dimension - Spiritual health relates to our sense of overall purpose in life. People often find this purpose from a belief or faith system, while others create their own purpose. A person who has purpose to life is said to be healthier than those who don’t see a purpose to life.
As a relatively new concept, it seems to defy concrete definition. It includes integrity, principles and ethics, the purpose in life, commitment to some higher being and belief in concepts that are not subject to "state of the art" explanation.
The emotional dimension – Emotional health is about the persons mood or general emotional state. It is our ability to recognize and express feelings adequately. It relates to you self esteem as well as your ability control your emotions to maintain a realistic perspective on situations.Emotional health relates to "feeling".
The vocational dimension - The vocational aspect of life is a new dimension. It is part of human existence. When work is fully adapted to human goals, capacities and limitations, work often plays a role in promoting both physical and mental health. Physical work is usually associated with an improvement in physical capacity, while goal achievement and self-realization in work are a source of satisfaction and enhanced self-esteem.
For many individuals, the vocational dimension may be merely a source of income. To others, this dimension represents the culmination of the efforts of other dimensions as they function together to produce what the individual considers life "success"
The other dimensions – Other dimensions of health includes-
v Philosophical dimension
Cultural dimension
Socio-economic dimension
Environmental dimension
Educational dimension
Nutritional dimension
Curative dimension
Preventive dimension.
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1 day ago — Researchers think this is mostly because this strain is better able to get around people's immune defenses, even if they've been vaccinated. nextnewstime
ReplyDeleteIt is a fundamental human right, ensuring access to medical treatment, disease prevention, and health education. health care
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