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´ Roller bandage.
´ A roller bandage is a strip of gauze , cotton
or any other material prepared in a roll. It has two parts- Head and Tail
´ A roller bandage may be made up of-
´ -Cotton -Callico
´ -Flannel -Domette
´ -Gauze -Muslin
´ -Crape bandage
Principles of
´ Make sure the person is comfortable
and tell them what you're doing.
´ Work from the side of the injury so
you do not have to lean across their body.
´ Keep the injured part of the body
supported in the position, it'll be in when the bandage is on
´ use the right size bandage –
different parts of the body need different widths of bandage.
´ avoid covering fingers or toes when
bandaging a limb so you can easily check the circulation
´ The bandage should proceed from
bellow to upwards over the limb.
´ while bandaging cover 2/3rd
of previous turn and proceed 1/3rd upwards.
´ We should keep the turns parallel
with one another.
´ The bandage should be neither too
loose nor too tight.
´ while bandaging we should never apply
knot or pin over a wound.
´ While removing the bandage first loosen
the end and pass the bandage form one hand to another hand gathering the loose
bandage up in the hands.
´ We should never apply wet bandage as
it will shrink and become too tight on drying.
Methods of Bandaging-
´ Circular bandage- it is used for a
very small cut or wound. In this process 3-4 circular turns are applied after
anchoring the bandage. Anchoring prevents the bandage from slipping.
´ Spiral bandage- it is used for a
large cut or wound on cylindrical body part such as arm, where the thickness is
not increasing rapidly. In this process spiral turns are applied after
anchoring the bandage. We complete the process by taking two circular turn at
the end. After applying it should be seen as shown in the picture.
´ Reverse Spiral bandage- it is used
for a large cut or wound on cylindrical body part such as leg, where the
thickness is increasing rapidly. In
this process Reverse spiral turns are applied after anchoring the bandage. We
complete the process by taking two circular turn at the end. After applying it
should be seen as shown in the picture.
´ Figure of 8 bandage- it is used for
joints such as ankle, elbow, knee, hand and foot. In this process figure of 8
turns are applied after anchoring the bandage. We complete the process by
taking two circular turn at the end. After applying it should be seen as shown
in the picture.
´ Spica bandage- this method is used
for joints where one part makes an angle with the other part such as hip spica,
shoulder spica or thumb spica. For applying thumb spica we start from wrist
with anchoring the bandage than move towards thumb make a round and come back
to wrist. And continue till part is covered.
´ Recurrent bandage- it is used to
cover the tip of finger thumb or a stump. In this process we make recurrent
turn to cover the tip after starting with anchoring the bandage. We complete
the process by taking two circular, spiral or reverse spiral turn at the end
depending upon size of the tip and stump as shown in the picture.
´ Capeline bandage- it is used to cover
the scalp. In this process we need two roller bandages.
First of all we tie tails of both bandages. Start from front
of forehead we make two types of turns (circular and front-back-front)for
completing the bandaging.
´ Eye bandage- it is used to cover the
Eye. In this process we place the tail of bandage just above the affected eye
and make a circular turn around head.
During second turn we bring the bandage bellow the ear and
cover lower portion of eye dressing and complete the dressing as shown in the
´ Ear bandage- it is used to cover the
Ear. In this process we place the tail of bandage just above the eye of
affected side and make a circular turn around head.
During second turn we bring the bandage bellow the ear and go up over the head sparing the
eye. complete the dressing by repeating
the seteps as shown in the picture
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