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• Ethics
are the rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and
bad. The code of ethics for nurses provide the guidance for decision making in
ethical matters during nursing care of individual family and society.
• International
council of nurses first adopted code of ethics in 1953 and than revised in
2012. There are four basic elements of code of ethics as per ICN
• Nurses
and people
• Nurses
and practice
• Nurses
and the profession
• Nurses
and coworkers
• The
nurse’s primary professional responsibility is to people requiring nursing
care. In providing care, the nurse promotes an environment in which the human
rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the individual, family and community
are respected. The nurse keep personal information secrete and uses judgment in
sharing this information. The nurse advocates for equity and social justice in
resource allocation, access to health care and other social and economic
• While
providing care the nurse Provide sufficient information to permit informed
consent to nursing and/or medical care, and the right to choose or refuse
• The
nurse Use recording and information management systems that ensure
• Also
develop and monitor environmental safety in the workplace.
• The
nurse carries personal responsibility and accountability for nursing practice.
The nurse maintains a standard of personal health such that the ability to
provide care is not compromised. The nurse, ensures that use of technology and
scientific advances are compatible, to maintain standard of practice. The nurse
always work for maintaining competence by continual learning.
• The
nurse should establish systems for professional appraisal, continuing education
and systematic renewal of licensure to practice.
• The
nurse should maintain standards of care and a work setting that promotes
quality care, while taking care of own health.
• The
nurse is active in developing and sustaining a core of professional values. The
nurse, acting through the professional organisation, participates in creating a
positive practice environment and maintaining safe, equitable social and
economic working conditions in nursing. The nurse always work for self as well
as professional growth and contributes
to an ethical organisational environment
• The
nurse Set standards for nursing practice, research, education and management
for growth of nursing profession.
• .The
nurse also Promote participation in national nurses’ associations so as to
create favourable socioeconomic conditions for nurses.
• The
nurse sustains a collaborative and respectful relationship with co-workers in
nursing and other fields. The nurse takes appropriate action to safeguard
individuals, families and communities when their health is endangered by a
co-worker or any other person. The nurse takes appropriate action to support
and guide co-workers to advance ethical conduct.
• The
nurse create awareness of specific and overlapping functions and the potential
for interdisciplinary tensions and create strategies for conflict management.
• The
nurse develop workplace systems that support common professional ethical values
and behaviour. She/he always work as a team with coworkers
• Indian
Nursing Council (INC) also recommends practice of code of ethics by all
nurses. According to INC code of ethics for nurses identifies the core value
for the nursing profession and establishes the standards of conduct that are
expected from all nurses in practice. The code of ethics described by INC are-
The nurse respects the uniqueness of individual
in provision of care
The Nurse
• Provides
care of individuals without consideration of caste, creed, religion, culture,
ethnicity, gender, socio-economic and political status, personal attributes, or
any other grounds
• Individualizes
the care considering the beliefs, values and cultural sensitivities
• Appreciates
the place of individual in the family and community and facilitates
participation of significant others in the care.
• Develops
and promotes trustful relationship with individual(s)
• Recognizes
uniqueness of response of individuals to interventions and adapts accordingly
The nurse respects the rights of individuals as
partner in care and help in making informed choices
The Nurse
• Appreciates
individual’s right to make decisions about their care and therefore gives
adequate and accurate information for enabling them to make informed choices
• Respects
the decisions made by individual(s) regarding their care
• Protects
public from misinformation and misinterpretations
• Advocates
special provision to protect vulnerable individuals/groups.
The nurse respects individual’s right to
privacy, maintains confidentiality, and shares information judiciously-
- The Nurse respects the
individual’s right to privacy of their personal information
- Maintains confidentiality
of privileged information except in life threatening situations and uses
discretion in sharing information.
- Takes informed consent
and maintains anonymity when information is required for quality
assurance/ academic/legal reasons.
- Limits the access to all
personal records written and computerized to authorized persons only.
Nurse maintains competence in order to render
Quality Nursing Care
Nursing care must be provided only by registered
Nurse strives to maintain quality nursing care
and upholds the standards of care
• Nurse
values continuing education, initiates and utilizes all opportunities for self
• Nurses
values research as a means of development of nursing profession and
participates in nursing research adhering to ethical principles.
The nurse is obliged to practice within the
framework of ethical, professional and legal boundaries-
The Nurse adheres to code of ethics and code of
professional conduct for nurses in India developed by Indian Nursing Council
Familiarizes with relevant laws and practices in
accordance with the law of the state
Nurse is obliged to work harmoniously with
members of the health team-
The Nurse appreciates the team efforts in
rendering care
Cooperates, coordinates and collaborates with
members of the health team to meet the needs of people
Nurse commits to reciprocate the trust invested
in nursing profession by the society-
The Nurse demonstrates personal etiquettes in
all dealings (such as Politeness, Listener,
cooperative, soft spoken etc.)
Demonstrates professional attributes in all
dealings (such as Organized, Proactive,
Skilled, Adaptable, Insightful)
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