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} Addition of impurities into water is
known as water pollution. It is caused by natural process or by human
activities. The natural impurities may be dissolved gases such as nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, or dissolved minerals or micro-organisms.
} The natural impurities may be added
during rainfall or flowing of water through soil on ground. These impurities
are derived from the atmosphere, catchment area and the soil
} A more serious concern of water pollution is that part which is caused by
human activity - urbanization and industrialization. These activities leads to
addition of more harmful substances in the water which have a lot of health
} The sources of pollution resulting
from human activities are :
} (a) sewage- sewage is the waste material from
human excreta which flows in sewers. It contains decomposable organic matter
and pathogenic agents. If untreated
sewage is poured into rivers it will
pollute the river water.
} (b) Industrial and trade waste- waste form industrial units contains
harmful toxic chemicals and if untreated industrial waste is thrown in river it
ill pollute the water.
} (c) Animal activity- animals pass urine and excreta into
pond and river during drinking leads to water pollution.
} (d) human activity- human activities such as washing
clothes and bathing in river or near ponds also leads to water pollution.
} (e)agricultural pollutants- agricultural activities which may
lead to water pollution includes pesticide application and overuse of chemical
} Use of polluted and contaminated
water may cause diseases. These diseases are known as water born diseases or
water related diseases. Water-related diseases may be classified as biological
water born diseases and chemical water born diseases
1. Due to presence of infective agent in water the water born
diseases are-
} (A) viral diseases- water born viral
diseases includes Viral hepatitis A, hepatitis E, poliomyelitis, rotavirus diarrhoea in infants
} (B) bacterial diseases- water
born bacterial diseases includes typhoid and paratyphoid fever, bacillary dysentery,
Esch. coli diarrhoea, cholera and leptospirosis or weil's disease .
} (C) Protozoal disease- protozoal
diseases includes amoebiasis and giardiasis
} (D) Helminthic disease- Helminthic
disease includes, roundworm, threadworm and hydatid disease
2. Due to presence of aquatic host in water the water born
diseases are-
} (A) Presence of snail- schistosomiasis is caused by presence of
snail host in water.
} (B) Presence of cyclops- guineaworm
and fish tape worms are caused by presence of cyclops in water.
} Chemical pollutants derived from industrial and agricultural
wastes leads to chemical water born diseases. Chemical pollutants include
detergent solvents, cyanides, heavy metals, minerals and organic acids,
nitrogenous substances, bleaching agents, dyes, pigments, sulphides, ammonia,
toxic and biocidal organic compounds .
} (a) fluorosis : The presence
of fluoride at about 1 mg/litre in drinking water is known to protect against
dental caries, but high levels of fluoride cause mottling of the dental enamel.
} (b) methaemoglobinaemia- High nitrate
content of water is associated with methaemoglobinaemia. This is a rare
occurrence but may occur when drinking water is polluted with chemical fertilizer.
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