FEVER IN ENGLISH

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}  Fever or pyrexia is defined as a rise in body temperature above 98.6 degree Fahrenheit. Fever is not a disease but it is a sign. Fever is a protective function of the body as rise in temperature prevents growth of pathogens.


}  Fever is caused by inflammatory process of infection, surgical trauma, heat stroke from exposure to hot environments, allergic reactions to foreign proteins etc.


}  Fever or pyrexia is classified in many types depending upon pattern and level of temperature.

}  Onset -onset of fever or invasion of fever is the time period when the body temperature starts rising and increasing continuously.

}  Fastigium –fastigium or stadium of fever  is a stage of fever where temperature reaches to maximum body temperature in a fever episode and remain constant at high level. 

}  Decline – decline of fever  is a stage of fever when body temperature starts declining and reaches to normal.

}  Crisis –  when body temperature return to normal suddenly it is termed as crisis

}  True crisis– when body temperature return to normal suddenly with improvement in patient’s general condition it is known as true crisis

}  False crisis –  when body temperature return to normal suddenly without improvement in patient’s general condition it is known as false crisis

}  Lysis– when body temperature return to normal slowly in zig zag manner in 2-3 days , it is termed as lysis

}  Constant fever–  when body temperature fluctuates not more than  two degree bewteen morning and evening but does not return to normal it is known as constant fever.

}  Remittent fever– when body temperature fluctuates more than  two degree between morning and evening but does not return to normal it is known as constant fever.

}  Intermittent fever–  when body temperature rises from normal to high and back to normal at regular intervals.

}  Inverse fever– when body temperature is highest in the morning and lowest in the evening it is known as inverse fever.

}  Hectic fever–  when the difference between high and low point of body temperature is very high than it is called as hectic fever

}  Relapsing fever– when body temperature becomes normal for 2-3 days than suddenly increases again than it is known as relapsing fever.

}  Low pyrexia–  when the  body temperature does not rise up to 100 degree fahrenheit than it is called as low pyrexia.

}  Moderate pyrexia–  when the  body temperature remains between 100 to 103 degree fahrenheit than it is called as moderate pyrexia.

}  High pyrexia–  when the  body temperature does not rise above 103-105 degree fahrenheit than it is called as high pyrexia.

}  hyperpyrexia–  when the  body temperature rises above 105 degree fahrenheit than it is called as hyperpyrexia or hyperthermia.

}  hypothermia–  when the  body temperature falls bellow 95 degree fahrenheit than it is called as hypothermia


}  First of all body temperature should be checked and recorded in patient’s record.

}  In case of low pyrexia the room temperature adjustment may be sufficient. The room should be well ventilated.

}  Electric fan may be switched on for ventilation.

}  Cool drinks may be give to the patient to drink

}  Apply cold compress and ice packs to reduce body temperature

}  Hypothermic blankets or mattresses may also be used

}  Antipyretic drugs are administered as per physician’s order.

}  Provide plenty of fluid to increase hydration of the client.

}  The patient is encouraged to visit a physician to diagnose underlying cause of fever.

}  If the patient is in hospital than physician should be informed and TPR charting should be done.

}  Provide soft diet to maintain nutrition.

}  To ensure adequate rest and sleep maintain a calm and quiet environment.

}  Help the patient to change position frequently to prevent skin breakdown.

}  Ask the patient to wear cotton garments if possible as they will absorb seat and enhance comfort.

}  Encourage the patient oral hygiene to prevent dryness of the mouth, and lips.

}  After oral hygiene apply emollients or cream on lips to prevent cracks.

}  Sponge bath is given daily to keep the client clean and fresh.

}  Never leave the patient of high fever alone because rigor or convulsions may start any time.

}  Try to reduce body temperature by more frequent cold sponging because continuous high fever may damage brain cells.

}  If shivering (rigor) starts, cover the client with blanket and apply warmth using hot water bottle

}  Cold compress is given on forehead to relieve congestion and headache at this stage.

}  Temperature is carefully monitored every 15 minutes till it comes to normal

}  Patient may have sweating after rigor. Provide clean clothes to the client and help him to keep the skin dry.

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