HOUSING AND HEALTH IN ENGLISH

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}  Housing is defined as "all places in which a group of people reside and pursue their life goals. the size of the settlement may vary from a single family to millions of people".


}  Shelter- The house should provide a sanitary shelter. A house protects us from harsh weather and wild animals.

}  Family life- The house should provide a space to lead a family life such as preparation and storage of food, rearing of children etc.

}  Community life- The house should provide accessibility to community services and facilities such as health services, schools, shopping  areas, places of worship etc.

}  Social interaction-  Family is part of the wider community. Community is important to family in many ways. it can offer help in times of need; it is an important source of friends.

}  Economical stability- The house also provide economical stability. It is an investment of personal saving of the family. It is a non-movable asset of the family. It gives a sense of economical empowerment.


}  Following are basic criteria for healthful housing of principals of housing-

}  1. Healthful housing provides physical protection and shelter.

}  2. It provides adequate space for cooking, eating, washing, and excretory functions.

}  3. It  is designed, constructed, maintained and used in such a manner as to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

}  4. It provides for protection from hazards of exposure to noise and environmental pollutions.

}  5. It is free from unsafe physical arrangements due to construction or maintenance, and from toxic or harmful materials

}  6. It encourages personal and community development promotes social relationships and promotes mental health.


}  Site-

}  (a) The site should be elevated from its surroundings  to prevent flooding during rains

}  (b) the site should have an independent access to a street of adequate width

}  (c) it should be away from the breeding places of mosquitoes and flies

}   (d) it should be away from nuisances such as dust, smoke, smell, excessive noise and heavy traffic

}   (e) it should be in pleasing surroundings preferably a green belt.

}  Set back-

}  There should be an open space all round the house - this is called "set back“. It is necessary for proper lighting and ventilation. In rural areas it is recommended that the built-up area should not exceed one-third of the total area; in urban areas where land is costly, the built-up area may be up to two-thirds.

}  floor-

}  (a) It should be impermeable so that it can   be easily washed and kept clean and dry. 

}  (b) The floor must be smooth and free from cracks and crevices to prevent the breeding of insects

}  (c) The floors should be damp-proof.

}  Walls

}  (a) Walls should be reasonably strong.

}  (b) Walls should not absorb and conduct the heat

}  (c) Walls should be weather resistant.

}  (d) Walls should not have holes of rats or snakes.

}  (e) Walls should be smooth plastered and colored. 

}  Roof

}  The height of the roof should not be less than 10 feet (3 m) for proper ventilation, in the absence of air-conditioning for comfort. The roof should have a low heat conductivity.

}  Rooms

}  The number of living rooms should not be less than two, at least one of which can be closed for security. The number and area of rooms should be increased according to size of family, so that the recommended floor space per person may be made available

}  Floor area-

}  The floor area of a living room should be at least 120 sq.ft. (12 sq. m.) for occupancy by more than one person and at least 100 sq.ft. (10 sq. m.) for occupancy by a single person. The floor area available in living rooms per person should not be less than 50 sq.ft;

}  Windows-

}  every living room should be provided with at least 2 windows, and at least one of them should open directly on to an open space. the windows should be placed at a height of not more than 3 feet (1 m) above the ground in living rooms

}  Kitchen-

}   Every house must have a separate kitchen. The kitchen must be protected against dust and smoke; adequately lighted; provided with arrangements for storing food, fuel and provisions; provided with water supply; provided with a sink for washing utensils and fitted with arrangements for proper drainage.

}  Other facilities-

}   Every house must have a sanitary latrine, a separate washing and bathing area. Garbage and refuse collection area, drinking water facility, adequate lighting etc.


}  House is a part of total environment of human being and affects health and wellbeing. A strong relationship can be established between poor housing and respiratory infections, skin infections, home accidents etc.

}  Overcrowding is a health problem in human dwellings. It may promote the spread of respiratory infections such as tuberculosis, influenza and diphtheria. High morbidity and mortality rates are observed where housing conditions are substandard.


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