CHOLERA  IN ENGLISH

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     Cholera is an acute bacterial enteric disease characterized by sudden onset, profuse painless watery stools (rice-water stool), nausea and profuse vomiting early in the course of illness. In untreated cases, rapid dehydration, acidosis, circulatory collapse, hypoglycaemia in children, and renal failure can rapidly lead to death.


     Cholera is caused by a bacteria known as Vibrio cholerae. Only Vibrio cholerae serogroups O1 and O139 are associated with the epidemiological characteristics and clinical picture of cholera.


     Cholera is acquired through ingestion of an infective dose of contaminated food or water and can be transmitted through many mechanisms. Contamination of drinking water occurs usually at source, during transportation or during storage at home. Food may also be contaminated by soiled hands during preparation or while eating.

     Contaminated surface waters, and unsafe domestic water storage methods results in extensive waterborne transmission of cholera. Beverages prepared with contaminated water and sold by street vendors, ice and even commercial bottled water have been identified as vehicles in cholera transmission. Incubation period ranges from a few hours to 5 days, usually 2-3 days.


Ø  Sign and symptoms of cholera includes-

Ø  profuse painless watery stools (rice-water stool -pale milky appearance of stool),

Ø  Nausea and profuse vomiting early in the course of illness.

Ø  Pain abdomen

Ø  Lethargy.

Ø  Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, sunken eyes, loss of skin turgor, irritability and fatigue.

Ø  Muscular cramps.

Ø  Low blood pressure,

Ø  circulatory collapse and shock.

Ø  Hypoglycemia and renal failure can rapidly lead to death.



Ø  History and physical examination .

Ø  Stool microscopic examination

Ø  Stool culture after takingrectal swab and sending tolab for culture



Ø  Treatment with antibiotics is effective against cholera. drugs of choice are doxicycline, tetracycline, TMP-SMX and erythromycin.

Ø  Adequate hydration with  ORS or IV fluids as needed


Ø  Early detection and prompt treatment of cases is the best strategy to prevent further spread of cholera.

Ø  Isolation: Hospitalization with enteric precautions is desirable for severely ill patients.

Ø  All soiled clothes and linen should be soaked in a solution of 2 per cent chlorine and steam-sterilized.

Ø  Use best possible cleanliness in food preparation and handling. Pay particular attention to the storage of salads and other foods served cold. These provisions apply to home and public eating places.

Ø  Avoid eating uncovered food or water from market.

Ø   Use best possible milk hygiene practices such as pasteurization and refrigeration of milk.

Ø  Health education regarding the importance of handwashing. Suitable handwashing facilities, particularly for food handlers and attendants involved in the care of patients and children, should be provided.

Ø   Environmental sanitation abolishing breeding places of flies is also a good measure to prevent spread of cholera.

Ø  Health education regarding the importance of safe drinking water to prevent cholera should be given to general public. Methods of water purification should be understood to all.

Ø    Immunization with cholera vaccine is a good method of prevention of cholera specially in endemic areas.

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