OXYGEN INHALATION IN ENGLISH

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            Oxygen is also known as medical gas. It is needed by each cell of our body for metabolism. It is transported with blood from lungs to cells. Without oxygen our cells tend to die. Oxygen inhalation is defined as administration of oxygen from a cylinder or piped oxygen system to the patient to maintain proper oxygenation.


Ø  Oxygen inhalation help in relieving conditions related to tissue hypoxia.

Ø  Oxygen inhalation help in correcting hypoxaemia.

Ø  Oxygen inhalation facilitates maintain normal metabolism of the tissue if it is diminished due to hypoxia.


Ø  Oxygen therapy is like medical therapy. It should be administered as per prescription of treating physician or as per standing instructions/policy of the institution during emergency. Following are the indications for oxygen inhalation -

Ø  Shock and circulatory failure.

Ø  Breathlessness or labored breathing.

Ø  Hypoxia due to pneumonia

Ø  Patients under effects of anesthesia.

Ø  Hypoxemia due to high altitude

Ø  Cyanosis

Ø  Severe anemia leading to hypoxia.

Ø  Severe hemorrhage.

Ø  Severe lung injury or infection


            The method of oxygen inhalation depends upon the condition of the patient, oxygen concentration needed by the patient, and the facilities available.

            The methods of oxygen inhalation are-

            Oxygen inhalation by Nasal Catheter-  Nasal catheter is a small flexible tube which is inserted into the nose up to nasopharynx. After insertion it is held in place by adhesive plaster.

            It needs to be changed at least every eight hours. It may be painful during insertion and may cause trauma. The catheter does not interfere with the eating or talking or moving in the bed. By this method 30% oxygen concentration can be delivered by using 1 to four liters of oxygen.

            Oxygen inhalation by Nasal Cannula- Nasal cannula is a flexible device having two protrude openings, one for each nostril attached to a long tube. The flow rate of oxygen is kept 1-4 LPM if it is used without humidifier or 4-10 LPM if it is used with humidifier.

            Oxygen inhalation by Mask- Oxygen mask is a flexible device fitting over nose and mouth to delver humidified oxygen. The types of masks to be used depends upon clients requirement and it is clearly stated in physician’s order. Normally a simple face oxygen mask is used other masks are mask ith reservoir bag, ventilator mask, venturi mask etc.

            Simple mask delivers 40 to 60 % oxygen at a flow rate of 10 LPM. It has a metal nose pin and air vent on sides. It is simplest form of oxygen mask.

            Oxygen  mask with reservoir provides high concentration of oxygen (95%- 100%). It is also known as non rebreather oxygen mask. It has one way valve which allow exhaled air to go into environment.

            Venturi  mask is able to deliver wide range of concentration of air ( 24% to 55%) at variable amount of oxygen flow rate (4 to 15 LPM). It delivers oxygen blended with environmental air using color coded valves. 

            Oxygen inhalation by tent- Oxygen tent is a canopy like device fitting over bed of the patient. This tent is transparent and enables us to observe the patient.  The tent is first filled with oxygen and than 4-5 LPM flow rate is maintained. It ill deliver 40% to 50 % oxygen.

            Oxygen inhalation by hood method- Oxygen hood is a plastic transparent device fitting over head of the patient. It is used for children.


            Oxygen source (cylinder or piped supply)

            Oxygen flow meter.


            Nasal cannula/catheter/mask.

            Lubricating jelly.

            Oxygen tubing

            A bowl of water.

            Adhesive tape

            Cotton applicator

            Normal saline in a bowl

            Kidney tray and paper bag

            Tissue paper


            Apply 5 rights of medication administration as oxygen is also considered a medicine.

            Explain the procedure to the patient and relative give instruction regarding safety precautions required during oxygen inhalation.

            Place the patient in comfortable position, if possible fowler’s position or supine position.

            Wash hands before the procedure

            Prepare oxygen system by attaching oxygen tubing to humidifier > flowmeter > oxygen cylinder.

            Check the flow of oxygen by placing tip of tubing into the bowl of water and opening the valve. At the same time bubbles are also seen in humidifier.

            Attach tubing to catheter, cannula or mask

            Place cannula just inside the nostrils and fix it to cheeks with the help of adhesive tape.

            If catheter is to be used than measure the length of catheter to be inserted ( from bridge of nose to ear lobe)

            Insert the catheter into nose till the measured length after applying jelly to it.

            After inserting to desired length fix it to nose and  forehead with the help of adhesive tape.

            The tip of catheter should reach up to uvula.

            If mask is to be used than fix it with straps provided with the mask.

            Set the flow rate of oxygen as per order.

            Secure the oxygen tubing to bed with the help of adhesive tape.

            Stay with the patient till he feels comfortable cover the patient with sheet .

            After the procedure remove articles and replace them to their proper place after proper cleaning.

            Discard the disposal soiled articles.

            Evaluate the patient’s progress by checking vital signs regularly.

            Record the procedure in nursing record  with effectiveness and condition of the patient

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