FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION IN ENGLISH

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    Family Planning Association of India is a social organization delivering essential health services ith focus on family health. It was established in 1949. FPA India has seven decades of experience in the field of sexual and reproductive health. It works in close partnerships with central and state governments, NGOs and national and international funding agencies.

    Currently, FPA India is a premier civil society organization delivering health services with a focus on sexual and reproductive health in over 18 states and union territories of India, in regions where key developmental indicators are poor and gender disparities are high. 


    The functions of family planning association of India includes-

    1. Static health clinics- Reproductive Health and Family Planning Clinics (RHFPC) are static clinics which provide sexual and reproductive health services. These services include sexuality counselling, contraceptives services including emergency contraception, safe abortion care.

    2. Outreach model of service delivery -  Satellite clinics are  located close to the community which provide health services near to the home of the beneficiary. These centers are staffed by trained health service providers delivering a limited range of Sexual and Reproductive Health services such as counselling, consultation and some lab investigation services.

    3. Mobile outreach units-  Mobile outreach Services are provided through equipped vehicles reaching fixed locations at fixed times. Through these mobile clinics contraceptive and other SRH as well as non-SRH services may be provided. This is the best system to reach to the needy and normally inaccessible areas.

    4. Community based Volunteer services-  These are community volunteers trained and supported to conduct home visits for identifying and following up with target populations for the distribution of contraceptive products and other SRH-related commodities.

    5. Health Education- Family Planning Association of India (FPA India) creates awareness among marginalized and vulnerable women on sexual and reproductive health, including HIV and sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), and empowers them to take action when their rights are violated. Men are also sensitized about the patriarchal system and how it affects women’s health and rights.

    6. Women empowerment - Encouraging women and girls to be self-sufficient through skilling is an important initiative under the gender and empowerment portfolio. Women and girls are taught skills that provide them opportunities to work within or outside their ecosystem or become self-employed

    7. Self help Groups- Self help grouped have been formed by FPA of India among marginalized communities and are linked to government schemes. Currently FPA is working with 4491 self help groups, 1680 mahila mandals and 1539 youth groups.

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