watch my youtube video to understand this topic in easy way-
Ø The National AIDS Control Programme was launched in
1992 and is being implemented by NACO (National Aids Control Organization) as a
comprehensive programme for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India. It is
being implemented in phased manner as -
Ø NACP 1( 1992-1999),
Ø NACP 2(1999-2006),
Ø NACP 3 (2007-2012),
Ø NACP 4(2012-2017).and
Ø National Strategic Plan (2017-2024) that is also known as
phase V.
Ø India’s HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Act, 2017 was
passed to enhance our fight against AIDS.
Ø To reduce spread of
HIV infection in India.
Ø To strengthen India’s capacity to respond to HIV/AIDS on
a long term basis.
Ø To reduce blood born transmission of HIV to less than 1
Ø To attain awareness level of not less than 90% in the
Ø To establish at-least one voluntary counseling and
testing center in each district.
Ø To achieve zero level of increase of HIV/AIDS prevalence.
A. Activities for Prevention
1. For high risk populations
Ø Targeted interventions- under this strategy target ere high-risk groups such as female sex workers,
homosexual males , transgenders/ hijras, injecting drug users) and bridge
population (truckers and migrants) and activities includes-- Needle-syringe
exchange programme, condom programming
Ø - Prevention interventions for migrant population at
source, transit and destination
Ø - Link worker scheme for HRGs and vulnerable population
in rural areas
Ø - Prevention and control of sexually transmitted
infections/reproductive tract infections
Ø - HIV counselling and testing services
2. For low risk populations
Ø For low risk populations following activities are
• Holistic IEC and social mobilization activites.
• Blood safety ( promoting voluntary blood donation)
• Voluntary counselling and testing services
• AIDS vaccine initiative
• Sensitizing youth and adolescents regarding HIV/AIDS
Ø B. Activities for Care and support
Ø Low cost care and support services
Ø Prevention of parent to child transmission
Ø Management of HIV-TB co-infection
Ø Treatment of opportunistic infections
Ø Providing ART and lab services of CD 4 count
Ø Post exposure prophylaxis
Ø C. Inter sectoral Collaboration
Ø Involvement of ministries and departments
Ø Workplace interventions
Ø Public private partnership
Ø Partnership with other stakeholders
Ø Involvement of PLHA
Ø D.Building Capacities
Ø Institutional Strengthening
Ø Programme management
Ø Surveillance activities
Ø AIDS vaccine initiatives
Ø Research activities
Ø Training of health care providers.
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