watch my youtube video to understand this topic in easy way-
Ø Every organization or couuntry should have a Well
developed health care delivery system to provide health services to public. For
easy understanding of health care delivery system in India we can study it
under three headings such as-
Ø Health care delivery system at central level,
Ø Health care delivery system at state level and
Ø Health care delivery system at district level
Ø At central level we have 3 official organs which are at
top of organizational set up and administration of health care in India. these
Ø Union Ministry of Health and family welfare -
Ø Central Council of Health & family welfare -
Ø Union Ministry of Health and family welfare –The Ministry of health and family welfare plays a vital
role on the national efforts to enable the citizens to lead a healthy and happy
life. Ministry is headed by a union minister of health and ministers of state.
For administration ministry have principal secretary health , additional
secretary, joint secretaries, deputy secretary, under secretary and along with
administrative staff .
Ø Functions of mohfw are as follows.
Ø 1.Formulation and implementation of National
Health programs.
Ø 2.Prevention of Food
Adulteration (PFA).
Ø 3.Control and regulation of
Drugs Standards.
Ø 4.Regulation and promotion of
Medical Education and research.
Ø 5. Health Intelligence and
survey activities.
Ø 6. administration of national
medical library.
Ø 7. Administration of Central
Government Health Scheme.
Ø 8. International Cooperation
for Health and Family Welfare.
Ø 9. Administration and
regulation of port quarantine.
Ø 10. Regulation of Immigration
and emigration
Ø 11. Regulation of labour in the
working of mines and oil fields and
Ø 12.Coordination with States and
with other ministries for promotion of health.
Ø The Director General of health service
is the principal advisor to government of India for medical and Public Health
matters. He is assisted by additional director, Deputy Directors, Directors and
large administrative staff .
Ø Functions of DGHS –
Ø DGHS is responsible for implementation
of all the policies , decisions and instructions of Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare . Main functional units of DGHS are medical care and hospitals,
public health and general administration. All the functions of MOHFW are
carried out by DGHS.
Ø Central Council of Health & family welfare -
Ø The Central Council of Health and Family Welfare was set
up under Article 263 of the constitution by Government of India in 1952 to
provide support and advice to the Department of Health on policy formulation
and for promoting coordinated activities between center and state.
Ø The functions
of central council of health and family
welfare includes-
Ø 1. To consider and recommend broad outline of policies in
regard to the matters concerning to health, environmental hygiene, nutrition,
health education and training.
Ø 2. To make
proposal for legislation in the field of health
and family welfare.
Ø 3. To make recommendations to the Central Government
regarding distribution of available grants-in-aid for health purposes to the
Ø 4. To establish any organization or organizations
invested with appropriate functions for promoting and maintaining cooperation
between the Central and State Health administrations.
Ø Health administration at state level is divided into two
Ø State Ministry of Health -
Ø State health directorate -
Ø State Ministry of Health -State Ministry of Health is headed by a Minister of health and family
welfare. Health secretariat is the official unit of ministry. Principal
health secretary, additional health secretary ,
joint secretary and large administrative staff are responsible for
policy making in relation to health services for the state.
Ø State health directorate -Directorate of health services is headed by DHS (director health
services). DHS is assisted by additional director, joint directors and mission
directors or project directors for each departments. Directorate of health is
responsible for implementation of the policies and decisions of state ministry
for the health of state.
Ø Functions of State health directorate includes-
Ø Hospital administration,
Ø Medical, nursing and paramedical education
Ø Public Health and Family Welfare
Ø Implementation of national health programs and
Ø Implementation of state health programs
Ø CMHO (chief medical and health officer) is the head of
medical and family welfare services at district level. he is assisted by deputy CMHOs. Each
deputy CMHO is head of a project such as NHM, Malaria, public health,
family welfare etc.
Ø health services for urban areas are provided by district
hospitals, subdivision hospitals, urban dispensary and MCH centres while
the services in rural areas are provided by community and centre Primary Health
Centre and sub centres.
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