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Ø Health care delivery system in rural areas can be divided in following levels-

Ø Village level, 

Ø Sub center level,

Ø PHC level and

Ø CHC level


Ø At village level health services are provided by two link workers. These are Asha Worker and Anganwadi worker. Asha Worker is connected to the health department while anganbadi worker is connected to the ICDS scheme.  Both the workers work in the village up to the population of 1000.

Ø They provide necessary help to ANM and work as a link between health system and community. Anganbadi worker and Asha both are selected from the same community where they work. So they are the person whom people trust. They help ANM in immunization and health related survey in the village.

Ø ASHA and Anganwadi workers also so help ANM in national health programs and  registering antenatal mother providing antenatal care and postnatal care to the mothers. Anganwadi worker is also concerned with supplementary nutrition to pregnant mothers and children.


Ø Sub health centre is the Grass root level health setup of Government health department. One sub health center provides health services to 3-4 villages. Previously Each sub centre had one health worker female (ANM) and one health worker male (MPHW).

Ø Nowadays health worker male post is abolished and under NRHM each sub Centre is  having 2  ANM. ANM provide Primary Health Care services to the community. Each sub center covers 3000 to 5000 population. 3000 in hilly, tribal and backward areas while 5000 population in in plain areas .

Ø Functions of sub centre-

Ø Functions of sub center includes maternal and child health services. Immunization services. family planning services including safe abortion, Safe drinking water and basic sanitation, Implementation of national health programs. Survey and data collection and community need assessment.



Ø Primary Health Centre is a health facility which covers a population of 20,000 to 30,000. 20,000 population in hilly, tribal and backward areas while 30,000 population in plain areas. PHC has a capacity of 6 beds. 4-5 sub centers work under one PHC.

Ø Staffing pattern-

Ø A medical officer is the in charge of PHC . Each PHC should have aproximately 15 staff which includes-

Ø  Medical officer                                                       -           one

Ø  Staff nurse/Nursing officer                                -           one

Ø Pharmacist                                                               -           one

Ø  ANM                                                                         -           one

Ø  Block extension educator                                   -           one

Ø  Health assistant (male)                                        -           one

Ø  Health assistant (female)/LHV                           -           one

Ø  UDC                                                                           -           one

Ø   LDC                                                                           -           one

Ø  Lab technician                                                        -           one

Ø  Driver                                                                       -           one

Ø  MTS                                                                           -           four

Ø  TOTAL                                                                       -           15

Ø Functions of PHC

Ø Functions of a primary health center include-

Ø Basic medical OPD services.

Ø  Maternal and Child Health Care.

Ø family planning services.

Ø Immunization services,

Ø Provision for safe water supply and basic sanitation.

Ø Prevention and control of local endemic diseases,

Ø survey and data collection,

Ø Health education to spread awarness.

Ø  Nutritional status promotion services.

Ø  National Health Programme activities,

Ø Referral services,

Ø Basic laboratory services and training for ASHA and other local staff.



Ø Community Health Centre is a health facility which covers a population of 80,000 to 1,20,000. 80,000 population in hilly, tribal and backward areas while 1,20,000 population in plain areas.

Ø It is also known as first referral unit (FRU) and serves as referral center for 4-5 primary health centers.

Ø  Round the clock services also starts from community health center level. A community health center is equipped with at least 30 beds for in patient services.

Ø Staffing pattern-

Ø  Medical officers                                                     -           four

Ø  Staff nurse/Nursing officer                                -           seven

Ø Pharmacist                                                               -           one

Ø Lab technician                                                         -           one

Ø Radiographer                                                          -           one

Ø ANM                                                                          -           two

Ø Data entry operater                                              -           four

Ø Dresser                                                                      -           one

Ø Driver                                                                        -           one

Ø MTS                                                                            -           three

Ø TOTAL                                                                        -           25

Ø Functions of CHC

Ø Functions of a community health center include-

Ø routine and emergency care in medicine.

Ø  Routine and emergency care in surgery.

Ø 24 hour delivery services.

Ø Obstetric care including LSCS operation.

Ø Full range of family planning services.

Ø Child Health services (Routine as well as emergency.)

Ø Basic laboratory services including x-ray.

Ø  Ambulance and transportation services.

Ø Implementation of all National Health programs.

Ø Community health center provides inpatient services to patients with provision of at-least 30 beds.

Ø Emergency newborn care .

Ø Community health Centre is also known as first referral unit.

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