LEVELS OF  PREVENTION IN ENGLISH

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Ø Prevention includes a wide range of activities  aimed at reducing risks or threats to health.  There are four levels  of prevention these are-

Ø Primordial prevention,

Ø Primary prevention,

Ø Secondary prevention and

Ø Tertiary prevention


Ø Primordial prevention-Primordial prevention is a new concept of prevention. Mainly it is used for chronic con-communicable diseases. Primordial prevention is defined as prevention of development of risk factors. For example obesity and smoking is risk factor for development of heart diseases.

Ø Interventions to prevent the development of these risk factors are known as primordial prevention. It includes health education to children to discourage adopting harmful lifestyles which may lead to obesity and smoking. It may be achieved by individual or mass health education.


Ø Primary prevention-Primary prevention aims at prevention of disease or injury before it ever occurs. This is achieved by preventing exposures to hazards that cause disease or injury, altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviors that can lead to disease or injury, and increasing resistance to disease or injury .

Ø Primary prevention may be achieved by measures designed to promote general health and well-being, and quality of life of people or by specific protective measures. Examples include - education about healthy and safe habits such as social distancing, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene to prevent respiratory tract infections.

Ø Another important intervention for primary prevention in vaccination for  a particular disease as this will increase immunity of the host against a particular disease. for example BCG for tuberculosis. it also includes health education for preventive measures for the disease.

Ø The concept of primary prevention is now being applied to the prevention of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension and cancer, based on elimination or modification of "risk-factors" of disease which includes high BP, obesity,  smoking sedentary life etc.

Ø Primary prevention is very useful in preventing diseases.  The developed countries succeeded in eliminating a number of communicable diseases like cholera, typhoid and dysentery and controlling several others like plague, leprosy and tuberculosis, not by medical interventions but mainly by raising the standard of living (primary prevention).


Ø Secondary prevention- Secondary prevention can be defined as the interventions which control the progress of disease and prevent complications. The main intervention includes early diagnosis by screening and testing as well as prompt treatment so that we can reduce the number of cases or carrier as early as possible and reduce the chance of disease transmission.

Ø In secondary prevention we try to restore the health by early treatment and it may also protect others in the community from getting infection from the source. secondary prevention needs clinical medication for hospitalization and proper care during treatment.

Ø Secondary prevention is important it in controlling the transmission of disease but it is more expensive and less effective than  primary prevention. The drawback of secondary prevention is that the patient has already been subject to mental tension, physical pain, and the community to loss of productivity.


Ø Tertiary prevention-Tertiary prevention is defined as the interventions to reduce or limit disabilities, minimize suffering caused by the disease and to promote patient’s adjustment in the society. The main interventions in tertiary prevention includes Health Promotion, disability limitation and rehabilitation.

Ø Tertiary prevention is achieved by health education environmental modification, nutritional intervention, lifestyle changes, Disability limitation and rehabilitation which includes medical rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, social rehabilitation and psychological rehabilitation and creation of support groups and self-help groups.

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