NRHM/NHM IN ENGLISH

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Ø The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by Govt.of India 12th April 2005, to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care to the rural population, especially the vulnerable groups.NRHM was merged with national health mission in 2013 along with NUHM with same objective and activities.NRHM is an umbrella program in which other national health programs are integrated.

Ø The programmes integrated into NRHM are  RCH II, national vector borne disease control programmes; national leprosy eradication programme; revised national tuberculosis control programme; national programme for control of blindness; iodine deficiency disorder control programme, and integrated disease surveillance project.



Ø Main objectives of NRHM are-

Ø  to provide equitable, affordable and quality health care to the rural population, especially the high risk groups.

Ø  To establish a fully functional, community owned, decentralized health delivery system with inter-sectoral convergence at all levels.

Ø To ensure simultaneous action on a wide range of determinants of health such as water, sanitation, education, nutrition, social and gender equality.

Ø To ensure community and facility-based care and strengthening of referrals between various levels of health care system to create a continuous care pathway is also to be focused.




Ø Train and enhance capacity of Panchayat Raj Institutions  to own, control and manage public health services through health center management committees.

Ø Promote access to improved healthcare at household level through the female health activist (ASHA) at village level.

Ø Health Plan for each village through Village Health Committee of the Panchayat.

Ø Strengthening sub - centre through an untied fund to enable local planning and action and more Multi-Purpose Workers (MPWs).

Ø Strengthening existing PHCs and CHCs, and provision of 30- 50 bedded

Ø Developing capacities for preventive health care at all levels for promoting healthy life styles, reduction in consumption of tobacco and alcohol etc.

Ø Creating Village Health & Sanitation Samiti (at village level consisting of Panchayat Representative/s, ANM/MPW, Anganwadi worker, teacher, ASHA, community health volunteers.

Ø Implementing janani Suraksha Yojana  which aims to reduce maternal mortality among pregnant women by encouraging them to deliver in government health facilities.

Ø Creating Rogi Kalyan Samiti  which is important tool of community empowerment and participation at the grassroots level

Ø Regulation of Private Sector including the informal rural practitioners to ensure availability of quality service to citizens at reasonable cost.

Ø Promotion of Public Private Partnerships for achieving public health goals.

Ø Mainstreaming AYUSH – revitalizing local health traditions.



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