MUSCLES OF LOWER LIMB (LEG) IN ENGLISH

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          MUSCLES OF LEG


          Iliopsoas - This muscle  arises as two different muscles. Psoas major arises from transverse process and bodies of lumber vertebrae and inserts into lesser trochanter of femur along with iliacus.

          Iliacus muscle arises from iliac fossa and sacrum

          Iliacus muscle inserts into lesser trochanter of femur along with psoas major.

          These muscles help in flexion at hip joint and lateral rotation at hip joint. Psoas major is innervated by L2-L3 spinal nerves and iliacus is innervated by femoral nerve.

          Gluteus maximus- This muscle  arises  from iliac crest, sacrum and coccyx  and inserts into lateral part of linea aspera. This muscle help in extension and lateral rotation of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by inferior gluteal nerve.

          Gluteus medius- This muscle  arises  from ilium and inserts into greater trochanter of femur. This muscle help in abduction and medial rotation of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by superior gluteal nerve.

          Gluteus minimus- This muscle  arises  from ilium and inserts into greater trochanter of femur. This muscle help in abduction and medial rotation of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by superior gluteal nerve.

          Tensor fascia lata- This muscle  arises  from iliac crest and inserts into tibia through iliotibal tract. This muscle help in flexion and abduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by superior gluteal nerve.

          Piriformis- This muscle  arises  from anterior sacrum and inserts into superior border of greater trochanter of femur. This muscle help in lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by S1 sacral spinal nerve.

          Obturator internus- This muscle  arises  from inner surface of obturator foramen, pubis and ischium and inserts into greater trochanter of femur. This muscle help in lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by  sacral spinal nerve.

          Obturator externus- This muscle  arises  from outer surface of obturator membrane, and inserts into medial surface of greater trochanter of femur. This muscle help in lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by  sacral spinal nerve.

          Superior gemellus- This muscle  arises from ischial spine and inserts into medial surface of greater trochanter of femur. This muscle help in lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by  sacral spinal nerve.

          Inferior gemellus- This muscle  arises from ischial tubersoity and inserts into medial surface of greater trochanter of femur. This muscle help in lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by  sacral spinal nerve.

          Quadratus femoris- This muscle  arises  from ischial tubersoity and inserts into intertrochanteric crest of femur. This muscle help in lateral rotation and stabilization hip joint. These muscles are innervated by  sacral spinal nerve.

          Adductor longus- This muscle  arises from pubic crest and pubic symphysis and inserts into linea aspera of femur. This muscle help in flexion and adduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by  obturator nerve.

          Adductor bravis- This muscle arises from Inferior ramus of pubis and inserts into linea aspera of femur. This muscle helps in flexion and adduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by obturator nerve.

          Adductor Megnus- This muscle arises from Inferior ramus of pubis and ischium and inserts into linea aspera of femur. This muscle helps in flexion and adduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by obturator and sciatic nerve.

          Pectineus- This muscle  arises from superior ramus of pubis and ischium and inserts into pectineal line of femur. This muscle help in flexion and adduction of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by  femoral nerve.

          Gracilis- This muscle  arises from body and inferior ramus of pubis   and inserts into medial surface of body of tibia. This muscle help in medial rotation and adduction of thigh at hip joint & flexion at knee joint. These muscles are innervated by  obturator nerve.

          Quadriceps femoris- This muscle  arises by for heads and some times these heads are known as for separate muscles. These are-

          01. Rectus femoris

          02. Vastus lateralis

          03. Vastus medialis

          04. Vastus intermedius

          Rectus femoris arises from anterior inferior ilac spine, Vastus lateralis arises from greater trochantor and linea aspera of femur, Vastus medialis arises from linea aspera of femur and Vastus intermedius anterior and lateral surface of body of femur. These muscles inserts into patella as quadriceps tendon and than to tibial tubersoity as patellar ligament.

          All four heads of this muscle help in extension at knee joint. Rectus femoris muscle acting alone help in flexion of thigh at hip joint. These muscles are innervated by femoral nerve.

          Hamstrings- This is a group of 3 separate muscles. These are-

          01. Biceps femoris

          02. Semitendiosus

          03. Semimembranosus

          Long head of biceps femoris arises from ischial tuberosity and short head arises from linea aspera of femur and inserts into head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia. Semitendiosus arises from ischial tuberosity and inserts into shaft of tibia. Semimembranosus arises from ischial tuberosity and inserts into medial condyle of tibia

          All these muscle help in flexion at knee joint and extension at hip joint.  These muscles are innervated by  tibial nerve.

          Tibialis anterior- This muscle  arises from lateral condyle and body of tibia and insert into first metatarsal and first cuneiform. This muscle help in dorsiflexion of foot at ankle joint. These muscles are innervated by  peroneal nerve.

          Extensor hallucis longus- This muscle arises from anterior surface of fibula and insert into distal phalanx of great toe. This muscle helps in dorsiflexion of foot at ankle joint and extension of great toe. These muscles are innervated by peroneal nerve.

          Extensor digitorum longus- This muscle  arises from lateral condyle of tibia and anterior surface of fibula and insert into middle and distal phalanges of toes. This muscle help in dorsiflexion of foot at ankle joint and extension of toes. These muscles are innervated by  peroneal nerve.

          Peroneus longus- This muscle  arises from lateral condyle of tibia and body of fibula and insert into first metatarsal and first cuneiform. This muscle help in planter flexion of foot at ankle joint. These muscles are innervated by  peroneal nerve.

          Peroneus bravis- This muscle  arises from  body of fibula and insert into fifth metatarsal and first cuneiform. This muscle help in dorsiflexion flexion of foot at ankle joint. These muscles are innervated by  peroneal nerve.

          Gastrocnemius- This muscle arises from  medial and lateral condyle of femur and insert into calcaneus as Achilles tendon.  This muscle helps in planter flexion of foot at ankle joint. These muscles are innervated by tibial nerve.

          Soleus- This muscle  arises from  head of fibula and medial border of tibia and insert into calcaneus as Achilles tendon.  This muscle help in planter flexion of foot at ankle joint. These muscles are innervated by  tibial nerve.

          Plantaris- This muscle  arises from  lateral condyle of femur and insert into calcaneus as Achilles tendon.  This muscle help in planter flexion of foot at ankle joint. These muscles are innervated by  tibial nerve.

          Popliteus- This muscle  arises from  lateral condyle of femur and insert into shaft of tibia.  This muscle helps in flexion at knee joint. These muscles are innervated by tibial nerve.

          Tibialis Posterior- This muscle  arises from  tibia, fibula and interosseous membrane and insert into  second third and forth metatarsal, navicular cuneiforms and cuboid.  This muscle help in planter flexion and inversion of foot. These muscles are innervated by  tibial nerve.

          Flexor digitorum longus- This muscle  arises from posterior surface of tibia and insert into  distal phalanges of second third forth and fifth toes. This muscle help in flexion of toes. These muscles are innervated by  tibial nerve.

          Flexor hallucis longus- This muscle  arises from shaft of fibula and insert into  distal phalanx of second great toe. This muscle help in flexion of great toe. These muscles are innervated by  tibial nerve.

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