watch my YouTube video to understand this topic in easy way-
Ø IV infusion is a
process of administering large amount of fluid / medication into vein through
infusion pump or gravity.
Ø Main fluids used
for infusion are:
Ø Fluids used for
IV infusion are classified into three categories
Ø Hypotonic fluids
Ø Isotonic fluids
Ø Hypertonic
Ø Hypotonic
fluids- A solution that contains fewer dissolved particles (such as salt and other
electrolytes) than found in normal cells and blood. Means concentration is less
than blood. Example - 0.33% NaCl and 0.33% NaCl solutions
Ø Isotonic fluids- Solutions that
contain the same concentration of dissolved particles (such as salt and other
electrolytes) than as found in normal cells and blood. Means concentration is
same as blood. Example - 5% dextrose solution , 0.9% NaCl (normal saline) and
RL (Ringer lactate solution) containing multiple electrolytes.
Ø Hypertonic
fluids- Solutions having higher concentration of dissolved particles (such as salt
and other electrolytes) than as found in normal cells and blood. Means more
concentrated fluid than blood. Example - 5% dextrose solution+0.9% NaCl (DNS),
5% dextrose solution+0.45% NaCl and 10%
dextrose solution
Ø Drops per minute
are calculated by following formula-
Ø Example
1000 ml fluid to be infused in 10 hours
than how many drops per minutes flow rate you will set ( drop factor is 60)
Ø a tray
Ø IV solution, as
Ø Nonallergenic
administration set/ drip set
Ø Medication card
Ø Electronic
infusion device (if appropriate
Ø Tourniquet
Ø label (for IV
Ø Sterile gloves
Ø IV canula or butterfly needle
Ø Short extension
Ø End cap for
extension tubing
Ø Alcohol wipes
Ø sterile cotton
Ø Kidney tray and
paper bag
Ø Specimen tubes
Ø 2 and 5 ml
Ø Mackintosh and towel
Ø Splint with
Ø IV stand or pole
(additional item)
Ø Always keep
rights of drug administration in mind while starting IV infusion.
Ø Identify the
client correctly (Right client)
Ø Explain the
procedure to the client.
Ø Provide privacy
with curtains and drapes.
Ø Wash hands and
prepare fluid and IV tubings.
Ø place the iv
stand at proper place and side.
Ø insert the iv
set into bottle in sterile manner using twisting movement.
Ø Hang the IV
container on the IV pole. Squeeze the drip chamber and fill at least halfway.
Ø Open the IV
tubing clamp, and allow fluid to move through tubing. Allow fluid to flow until
all air bubbles have disappeared and the entire length of the tubing is primed
(filled) with IV solution. Maintain its sterility. After fluid has filled the
tubing, close the clamp and recap the end of the tubing.
Ø Complete a time
strip (label for time and date of starting infusion) for the infusion and apply
to IV fluid container.
Ø Apply label to
tubing reflecting the day/date for next set change, per facility guidelines.
Ø Place the
patient in low Fowler’s or supine position in bed.
Ø Place protective
mackintosh and towel under patient’s
Ø Open the short
extension tubing package. Attach end cap, Insert syringe with normal saline
into extension tubing. Fill extension tubing with normal saline (priming of
extension tubings) and apply slide clamp
Ø Palpate for
appropriate vein and finalize the site for cannula insertion.
Ø Select
appropriate cannula depending upon age and vein size.
Ø Apply a tourniquet
3 to 4 inches above the venipuncture site to obstruct venous blood flow and
distend the vein
Ø Put on gloves
Ø Clean the skin
with alcohol wipes.
Ø Take out cannula
and hold in dominate hand.
Ø Use the
nondominant hand to place about 1 or 2
inches below the entry site and hold the skin taut against the vein. Avoid
touching the prepared site. Ask the patient to remain still while
performing the venipuncture.
Ø pierce the skin
gently, holding the cannula by the hub in your dominant hand, bevel side up, at
a 10- to 15-degree angle Insert the
catheter from directly over the vein or from the side of the vein. advance the canula into the vein
Ø When blood
returns through the lumen of the needle or the flashback chamber of the
cannula, advance the device into the vein until the hub is at the venipuncture
site while holding the needle slight back so that it may not pierce the vein
Ø Release the
tourniquet. Quickly remove the protective cap from the extension tubing and
attach it to the cannula while withdrawing the
needle and pressing the vein with thumb of the other hand to avoid
leakage of blood.
Ø stabilize the
catheter and flush gently with the saline, observing the site for infiltration
and leaking. If it is ok than secure the cannula with plaster and attach iv
tubings and start infusion.
Ø Label the IV
cannula dressing with the date, time, site, and type and size of catheter or
needle used for the infusion.
Ø Open the clamp
on the administration set. Set the flow rate and begin the fluid infusion.
Ø Remove the
articles to their proper place wash hands and record the procedure in nurses notes.
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