INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY IN ENGLISH

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       The word psychology is derived from the Greek world psyche and logos. psyche means mind or soul and logos means study so we can say that literature meaning of psychology is study of mind

       But modern  psychologist say that it is not only the study of mind but it also includes body as well as human behaviour there are many definitions given by different psychologist. Some of we will discuss today

       Psychology is defined as the science that deals with mental process and behavior

       Psychology is the science that studies mind it's behaviour and mental process as well as the art to applying this knowledge to help others

        By above definitions one concept is clear that psychology explains the law and science working behind human behaviour the study of psychology is important for nursing as well because we can predict the behaviour of a patient and can controll it to some extent by applying laws of psychology




        The father of psychology is believed to be William Wundt. Wundt wanted to apply the methodical, experimental methods of science to the study of human consciousness. To this end, he founded the first-ever psychology laboratory  in Germany in 1880s.

       Around 1913, American psychologist John B. Watson founded a new movement that changed the focus of psychology. He believed that internal mental processes should not be studied, because they cannot be observed; instead, Watson advocated that psychology focus on the study of behaviour and thus his movement became known as behaviourism.


What is mind body relationship

       Initial revolutions of psychology it was considered that psychology is the study of spirit or soul but later psychologist realised that it is no possible to study the soul as it is not concrete then they define psychology as the study of mind

       But they feast the problem that mind is also not a concrete thing then finally they realised that mind is not separate from the body and study of body personality and human behaviour and mental process are included in the psychology

       In modern psychological studies more emphasis is given on behavioural part as it can be affected by both, mind  or mental status as well as body or physical status of the person

       A person reacts differently to the different situations at same time depending upon his mental process and the same way he will react differently with the same situation and different times depending upon physical condition so it should be clear in our mind that mind and body are well related to each other both have their effect on each other in finally on human behavior

       If a is person is mentally depressed or in stress his body organs may also starts working differently  such as heart rate may change and GIT movements may increase, in the same way when the body have some ailment/pain than mind’s response to the situations also changes.

       That's why psychologist say that human body and human mind are not separate they are Hindi related to each other and this theory is known as mind body a relationship

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