Home visiting - ENGLISH

 Home visiting- English
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home visit is a family –nurse contact which allows the health worker to assess the home and family situation in order to provide the necessary nursing care and health-related activities. home visit is defined as the process of providing the nursing care to patients at their doorsteps. It is also known as Domiciliary Nursing..

Objective of home visiting-

  1. To assess the family as a unit and as individuals.
  2. To observe the family in its real situation and environment.
  3. To give teaching and advices in their home environment.
  4. To give each family member a chance to raise questions.
  5. To collect health information and survey.
  6. To identify the needs of each family member.
  7. To observe the nursing care given to a sick member at home.
  8. To identify health hazards and problems that can not be dealt with during a clinic visit.
  9. To identify high risk family members and refer as needed.
  10. To provide antenatal visits and antenatal care.
  11. To provide postnatal visit and care to moters after delivery
  12. For surviellence in case of spread of communicable disease.

Principles of home visiting-

  1. A home visit must have a purpose or objective.
  2. Planning for a home visit should make use of all available information.
  3. In planning for a home visit, we should give priority to the essential needs
  4. Planning and delivery of care should involve the individual and family.
  5. The home visit plan should be flexible.
  6. Home visiting should be regular.
  7. Home visiting should be convenient to the family.
  8. Home visits should serve as demonstration session of good hygiene.
  9. Home visiting should be an opportunity to develop good IPR
  10. Home visiting should be educative and inforemative in relation to health.

Home visit plan-
It consists of :
u  Family health record including family folder.
u  Map of the area
u  Addresses of the families to be visited
u  Micro plan which includes route from first family to last family for the particular day
u  Home visit plan format

Technique of home visiting/Steps

  1. Greet the patient and introduce yourself.
  2. Be polite and friendly in approach.
  3. State the purpose of the visit.
  4. Be ready to change the plan of visit as family needs.
  5. Observe the environment of the family.
  6. Ask for suitable place for bag to put.
  7. Put the bag in a convenient place and then
  8. Proceed to perform the bag technique.
  9. Observe the patient and determine the health needs.
  10. Perform the nursing care needed and give health education.
  11. Evaluate the nursing care given.
  12. Record all important date, observation, care rendered and evalution.
  13. Make appointment for a return visit.
  14. click here to WATCH VIDEO
  15. Dear students for latest update of my classes and notes you can join me on *facebook* at-  Nursing Notes
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