promotion of health of industrial workers - ENGLISH

promotion of health of industrial workers - ENGLISH

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Measures for prevention of illness and promotion of health for industrial workers.

there are MANY measures which we can apply for promotion of Health and protection of illness among industrial workers these points .

 Nutrition. Malnutrition affects the metabolism and tolerance of toxic effect of industrial pollutions among industrial workers. it is important to provide better nutrition and nutritional education to the workers so that they came intake balanced diet which will improve their immunity for protection against industrial hazards.

Communicable disease control it is also important prevention measures for the industrial workers. There should be regular health camps to detect presence of communicable diseases among workers. In India some diseases are endemic like tuberculosis Typhoid fever hepatitis intestinal parasites Malaria dengue. So health education regarding their prevention end early detection and treatment is very important among industrial workers.

Environmental sanitation environmental pollutions are important health hazard to industrial workers. So proper water supply, general plant cleanliness, sufficient space, lighting, temperature control, proper ventilation, housing facility for workers, toilet facilities are very important to prevent industrial diseases. In Industries where fine dust particles remain suspended in air, provision for mask should be made.

Mental health psychological health hazard should also be address to promote mental health of industrial workers because these people are susceptible To lack of job satisfaction, rejection, rewards and discipline. proper mental health service provide promotion of Health and happiness for the industrial worker and also detect emotional stress and strain . arrangement for counselling and guidance in factories should be applied.

Measures for women and children this is very important health aspect for industrial workers women and children are under high risk group. Pregnant mothers should be given Maternity benefits immunization and medical care facilities. children should get sufficient nutrition and education facilities near the factory.

Health education education is the the measure tool for the promotion of Health and prevention of illness by this weekend make the people aware about harmful effects of industrial health hazards and the measures to prevent them we can provide health education by audio visual films and role plays.

Medical measures which includes periodical health examination for industrial workers. proper treatment for the the disorders identified. all workers should get the benefit State Insurance Scheme. ESI. OPD and IPD facilities should be provided near the factory through own health post of the factory and other hospitals.

Engineer measures- includes healthful design of the building, good housekeeping, proper ventilation, safety precautions during handling the Machines. Sprinkling of waters to prevent Dust in the environment . use of protective devices and proper monitoring of using safety gears by industrial workers.

Legislation- legislative measures are also very important for protection of health of industrial worker. presently there are two main legislative acts. These are factory act 1948 and Employees State Insurance act 1948.

The factories act 1948 define the factory is establishment and employing 10 or more workers. under the act there are provision for health safety and welfare of the workers. the employer should provide the safety measures in the factory. Employment of child labor is prohibited under the Factories Act. there are points related to hours of work leave and wages protection from occupational hazards in the factory act.

Employee State Insurance act 1948 cover All Powers for the benefit of workers in the factories where 20 or more persons are employed. Administration of ESI scheme is under the central government act autonomous body which is called ESI Corporation is under the ministry of labour. it consists  members representing Central and state government employers and employees organizations. the scheme is run by contributions by employees, employers and Grant from state and Central Government. the benefits for the employees includes medical benefits, sickness benefit, Maternity Benefit, disablement benefit, dependent benefit ,general expense and Rehabilitation allowance
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