Skeletal system consists of bones and joints
Bone is a mineralized
(calcium and phosphorus) connective tissue that exhibits four types of cells:
osteoblasts, bone lining cells, osteocytes, and osteoclasts
Functions of bones-
Like the steel framework of a
building, the functions of the skeleton and the bones is to provide rigidity,
which gives the body shape and supports the weight of the muscles and organs.
Without this structure, the body would collapse in on itself
02. Locomotion
With the help of bones and
joints we are able to walk and run. We can move our hand to do day to day
activities. Even we can chew by movement
of our mandible.
the most important of the
functions of the skeletal system is protection. The most obvious example of the
functions of the skeleton's protective properties is the human skull. The
vertebrae and ribs also have protective functions by encasing delicate
structures like the spinal cord, heart and lungs. The rib cage not only surrounds
the organs of respiration,but also help in the process of respiration
4. Blood Cell Production
Red and white blood cells are
made in the red marrow of bones. At birth and in early childhood, all bone
marrow is red. As the person ages, about half of the body’s marrow turns to
yellow marrow – which is composed of fat cells
However, in the event of severe
blood loss, the body can convert some yellow marrow back to red marrow to
increase blood cell production.
5. Storage
The body uses calcium and
phosphorous for bodily processes like muscle contraction. Some of those
minerals are found in our diet, but they are also taken from the bones in the
human body. When the body needs calcium and When there is a surplus of blood
calcium, it’s put back into the bones.
Classification of bones-
Bones are further classified by their shape: long,
short, flat, irregular or sesamoid, according to
Long bones are found in the arms, legs, fingers and
toes. These bones are longer than they are wide and are cylindrical. They move
when the muscles around them contract, and they are the most mobile parts of
the skeleton.
Short bones are found in the wrists and ankles and
are about equal in their length, width and thickness.
Flat bones make up the skull, shoulder blades,
sternum and ribs. These curved, thin bones protect internal organs and provide
an anchor for muscles.
Irregular bones are those in the spinal cord and
face, which, because of their unique dimension, don't fit in any of the other
shape categories.
Sesamoid bones are found in the hands, wrists,
feet, ears and knees. These small, round bones are embedded in tendons and
protect them from the great pressure and force they encounter.
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