Records and Reports
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Records is an account of something, written to perpetuate knowledge of events. A report is to give a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated. Records and reports are indispensable aids to all who are responsible for giving best possible service to individuals, families and community.

Characteristics of good Recording and Reporting:

Accuracy: Information should be correct to prevent serious mistakes. Use of correct spelling and the institutions accepted abbreviation and symbols ensure accurate interpretation of information. It should be always complete with accurate signature. Do not use nick names.
Conciseness: Use a few words as possible to give the necessary information.
Thoroughness: Even a concise record or report must contain complete information.
Up to date: Recording should be done on time. A definite time and routine for the reporting make more time and routine for the reporting makes more efficient management. Delay in recording can result in serious omissions and delay the work.
Organization: Communicate all the information in a logical format or order.
Confidentiality: The information should be confidential.
Objectivity: Presentation of facts not personal feelings, to give true picture.

Objectaives/importance of records and reports

Communication- records and reports are a way to communicate about events and facts to other and to higher authority.
Continuity of service- records and reports are a tool to provide continue care to people without interption or doubling.
Education- records and reports also act as education material for medical and nursing students.
Assessment- records and reports help us to assesse the need for improvement in service
Evaluation- records and reports help us to evaluate the services provided to the community.
Research- records and reports help in research in medical field and survillence.
Auditing- records and reports help in auditing by providing factual data.
Legal documentation- records and reports act as legal documents and protect both service provider and receiver.
Individual case study- records and reports help in case study for medical/ nursing students
Health statistics- records and reports alos act as source for data collection and statistics.

Maintenance of records and reports

01. Record and report should be written clearly and kept up to date.
02. Record should be preserved and prevented from physical damage Room rates insects and fire.
03. Record have legal value so they must be kept confidential and shown to authorised person only.
04. Records should be kept in files, folders like family folders and cabinets.
05. Clear labelling should be made on almirah, folders and files.
06. Record should be kept in alphabetical order.
07. All records should be readily available.
08. A perfect fileing system should be developed for records.

Records and reports maintained at sub center


Summary of villages including map.
Eligible couples register
Eligible couples – number of children wise
Male sterilisation cases register
Female sterilisation cases register
IUCD cases register
ANC register
Condom distribution register
Oral pills register
PNC – children upto 1 year register
PNC – children more than 1 year register
MTP cases register
Births register
Deaths register
Asha follow up register
Malaria slides taken and radical treatment cases
Disease morbidity and mortality register
Water source purification register
IEC activities register
Stocks register (Medicine)
Stocks register (permanent articles)
Stocks register (consumable articles )
OPD register


Monthly sub-centre report
Weekly sub-centre report
Annual list of eligible and target couples
EC break up by age group and contraception method
EC break up by number of children and contraception method
EC break up by caste and contraception method
List of births to the Panchayat
List of Malaria slides
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