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      AGANGLIONIC MEGACOLON  is also known as Hirschsprung's  disease. It  is a condition that affects the large intestine (colon) and causes problems with passing stool. The condition is present at birth (congenital) as a result of missing nerve cells (ganglions) in the muscles of the baby's colon.

      In this condition normal bowel movement do not take place and the intestine above the affected area becomes dilated that’s why it is known as Mega colon (Big colon). 



Sign and symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease    

      Signs and symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease vary with the severity of the condition. Usually signs and symptoms appear shortly after birth, but if the condition is mild they're not apparent until later in life.

      In infants-

      Stools are not passed.

      Abdominal swelling

      Vomiting, including vomiting a green or brown substance

      Constipation or gas, which might make a newborn irritable.



      In older children

      Abdominal swelling

      Chronic constipation

      Gas formation >>> pain abdomen.

      Failure to thrive





Diagnostic Investigations-


      Rectal examination- absence of fecal matter.

      Barium enema X-ray Examination.

      Rectal Biopsy- absence of ganglionic cells.


Treatment -


      Surgical repair- Surgery  the most effective treatment for Hirschsprung disease. This is done in one step or two, depending on how severe it is. Children who are very sick at the time of surgery (from an inflamed colon or poor nutrition) may need to undergo surgery in two steps.

      In first step colostomy is performed and main surgery is delayed until the age of 9-12 months.

      When the baby’s condition stabilizes and he gains adequate weight resection of aganglionic part of colon and anastomosis of remaining coloum is done.


Nursing Management -



Ø  - Preoperatively daily rectal wash is given with normal saline.

Ø  - antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection that should be given on time.

Ø  - Nutritional status  should be maintained.

Ø  The frequency and type of stool should be noted.

Ø  - Parents are  explained about the disorder, treatment procedure  and all questions are answered to alleviate anxiety.

Ø  - taking rectal temperature should be avoided to prevent injury to rectal mucosa.

Ø  After surgery proper observation and vital signs monitoring should be done.

Ø  - Watch out for abdominal distension, bleeding at surgical site and should be reported immediately.

Ø  - Regular changing of dressing with aseptic technique.

Ø  Proper colostomy care should be provided with aseptic technique.

Ø  -  Skin care should be provided around stoma to prevent skin breakdown.

Ø  Other Nursing interventions – includes all nursing care of hospitalized child that we have discussed in previous lecture under heading Nursing care of hospitalized child in the lecture “Child Health Nursing”.

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