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      Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against later infection or disease.


      This is acquired immunity by getting vaccine so the process is also known a vaccination. Each vaccine provides immunity against a particular disease; therefore, a number of vaccines are administered to children and women to protect them from many vaccine-preventable diseases. 


           Immunization schedule is a recommended list of vaccines by Ministry of heath and family welfare Government of India to be used in the country. Main point in this schedule is to remember the period of contact of beneficiary with the health system. There are a lot of vaccine preventable diseases and government of India has prepared the schedule in such a way that in less number of contacts more vaccine preventable diseases are covered. Our today’s class will be based on these contact periods.


         Process of Conducting  Immunization clinic---

Ø  Prepare for the session by selecting appropriate site; arranging for required equipment and supplies; review due list of beneficiaries and sharing with AWW and ASHA to mobilize beneficiaries to bring them for the session and also to help you in arranging the vaccination session site and Keep anaphylaxis kit ready to handle anaphylactic reaction

Ø  Involve community influences and leaders to support you

Ø  Assess infants for vaccination and possible contraindications before vaccinations

Ø  Use aseptic technique to prepare and reconstitute vaccines

Ø  After reconstitution, write the date and time of reconstitution on the label of vaccine vial

Ø  Use Auto Disable Syringe (ADS) for each injection

Ø  Explain to the parents  the correct positioning to keep the child still and   comfortable

Ø  Administer the vaccines by using correct technique

Ø  After the session, store opened vials based on open vial policy guidelines

Ø  Ensure separate packing of used vials with Session site name and date

Ø  Pack the vaccine carrier and return vaccines to the ILR

Ø  Follow immunization waste disposal as per guidelines.


        Key messages for parents  (Before Vaccination)

Ø  Explain what vaccine(s) will be given and the disease it prevents

Ø  Mention possible adverse events (minor AEFIs) and explain how to handle them

Ø  Explain the need for the child to return for each contact in the immunization schedule to be fully protected.

Ø  Write the date for the next vaccination on the immunization card and tell the parents.

Ø  Remind parents to bring the immunization card when they bring the child back for the next vaccination

Ø  Explain the importance of waiting for 30 minutes after vaccination


        Key messages for parents  (After Vaccination)

Ø  Ask the beneficiaries to wait for half an hour after vaccination to observe for any AEFI

Ø  Explain how to manage mild fever and local reactions and to contact ASHA/AWW if needed

Ø  Remind the caregiver when to return with the infant

Ø  In the event of any out-of-stocks of vaccine at the time of the session, inform the parents where and when to return for the next doses

Ø  Ask the parents if they have any questions or concerns and answer them politely.

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