Surveillance- Isolation- Notification- Reporting IN ENGLISH
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There are many special techniques or process for
control and prevention of communicable diseases. These are:
} Surveillance-
} Isolation
} Notification
} Reporting
} surveillance means to watch over with great attention,
authority and often with suspicion . In community health
surveillance is defined as "the
continuous scrutiny of the factors that determine the occurrence and
distribution of disease and other conditions of ill health"
} Surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection,
analysis, and interpretation of outcome specific data for use in planning,
implementing and evaluating public health policies and practices
} To provide information about new and changing trends
in the health status of a community like morbidity, mortality, nutritional
status, environmental hazards, health practices and other factors that may
affect health
} To provide feed-back which may be essential to modify
the policy and the system itself and lead to redefinition of objectives and plans.
} To provide timely warning of public health disasters
so that interventions can be initiated and resources are mobilized.
} To identify
contacts who may be infected or other individuals at risk for infection.
} To determine the incidence and prevalence of disease
in a specific area of the state
} Process of surveillance includes the following functions
Care detection, 2. case registration,
3. case confirmation , 4. reporting, 5. data analysis and interpertaion,
6. epidemic preparedness, 7. Response and control, 8. feedback
} Isolation is the oldest and very effective
communicable disease control measure. It is defined as "separation, for
the period of communicability of infected persons or animals from others in
such places and under such conditions, as to prevent or limit the direct or
indirect transmission of the infectious agent from those infected to those who
are susceptible, or who may spread the agent to others"
} The main purpose of isolation is to protect the
community by preventing transfer of infection from the reservoir to the
possible susceptible hosts and to control the disease by limiting the spread.
} The type of isolation varies with the mode of
spread and severity of the disease. There are several types of isolation –
} standard isolation,
} standard isolation,
} Strict isolation,
} protective isolation,
} high security isolation
} Home isolation
} Hospital isolation,
} Respiratory isolation,
} Enteric isolation,
} The precautions
recommended for each category were determined almost entirely by the
epidemiologic features of the diseases
} Notification is a process of informing about detection
of communicable diseases to the authorities which are responsible for
controlling and preventing them.
} Notification is an important source of epidemiological
information. It enables early detection of disease outbreaks, which permits
immediate action to be taken by the health authority to control their spread.
} Notification of infectious diseases is often made by
the attending doctor, but any one, including the lay people can notify the
disease. In all cases, the diagnosis is verified by the local health authority.
} Notifiable Medical Conditions are diseases that are of
public health importance because they pose significant public health risks that
can result in disease outbreaks or epidemics with high case fatality rates both
nationally and internationally.
} The diseases to be notified vary from country to
country; and even within the same country. Usually, diseases which are considered
to be serious menaces to public health are included in the list of notifiable
} Communicable disease control is a public health
priority at the international level to prevent the spread of contagious
diseases. control of communicable disease requires an accurate and efficient
reporting system at all levels
} If the reporting system is effective and the coverage
is on a national or representative basis, it can provide useful data on
morbidity from the particular diseases, treatment given and disease-specific
} Reporting of cases of communicable disease is
important in the planning and evaluation of disease prevention and control.
Reporting is an integral part of effective surveillance. There should be a
proper format at each level to report cases of diseases.
} It is absolutely necessary that Each local health
authority, in conformity with regulations of higher authority, should determine
what diseases are to be reported routinely. Case reports of a communicable
disease provide minimal identifying data of name, address, diagnosis, age,
gender and date of report for each patient
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