watch my youtube video to understand this topic in easy way-
} Environment has a direct impact on
the physical, mental and social well-being of the individual. The environmental
factors range from housing, water supply, psychosocial stress and family
structure through social and economic support systems, to the organization of
health and social welfare services in the community.
} If the environment is favourable to
the individual, he can make full use of his physical and mental capabilities.
Protection and promotion of
environmental health is one of the major factors in promotion of
positive health.
} According to WHO- Environmental
health comprises those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that
are determined by physical, chemical, biological, and social and psychological
problems in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of
assessing, correcting, controlling, and preventing those factors in the
environment that can potentially affect adversely the health of present and
future generations,
} The term environment includes all the
external factors - living and non-living, material which surround the human being. As per latest
concept, environment includes not only the water, air and soil that form our
environment but also the social and economic conditions associated with our
Environment has been divided into three components-
} (i) Physical Environment -
} (ii) Biologic Environment -
} (iii) Social Environment -
Physical environment includes-
} Water,
} air,
} soil,
} housing,
} Wastes and radiation etc.
Biological environment includes
} Plants
} Animals
} Bacteria and viruses,
} Insects and rodents.
Social environment includes-
} Customs and Culture
} Habits
} Income and occupation,
} religion etc.
Environmental pollutions have very bad effects on health.
environmental factors such as water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution,
poor housing conditions, presence of animal reservoirs and insect vectors of
diseases which pose a constant threat to man's health.
} the term sanitation covers the whole
field of controlling the environment with a view to prevent disease and promote
health. The dictionary meaning of the word sanitation is "the science of
safe-guarding health.”
} it is defined as: 'Sanitation is a
way of life. It is the quality of living that is expressed in the clean home,
the clean farm, the clean business, the clean neighbourhood and the clean
} According to WHO environmental
sanitation is "the control of all
those . factors in man's physical environment which have or may have a
deleterious effect on his physical development, health and survival".
} As a health worker it is absolutely
necessary for us to study environmental health. Environmental determinants of
health and disease are pervasive and integral to the assessment, diagnosis,
intervention, planning, and evaluation components of nursing practice
} Through the environmental history,
and observation during home visit a nurse may uncover exposures to hazardous
substances that neither the patient nor the clinician had suspected as
etiologic agents of existing symptoms or disease.
} This is an introduction about environmental health. In upcoming
videos you will learn a lot about different aspects of environmental health.
} Keep watching . Keep learning…..
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