watch my youtube video to understand this topic in easy way-
} Water is inorganic, transparent, tasteless,
odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, but is vital for
all forms of life, even though it provides no calories
or organic nutrients. Its chemical formula is H2O
} Water is not only a vital
environmental factor to all forms of life, but it has also a great role to play
in socio-economic development of human population. safe drinking water is a
basic element of "primary health care"
} The daily requirements of human body
for drinking water have been estimated at about 2-3 liters per day. This is
just for survival. But for positive health and improvement of the quality of
life a daily supply of 150-200 liters per person is considered as an adequate
supply to meet the needs for all urban domestic purposes.
} water is very important resource for
human population . It has a lot of importance in our life. It is used in many
ways such as:
} Domestic use- domestic use of water
includes drinking, cooking , utensil washing, clothe washing, bathing, house
cleaning, flushing of toilets, gardening etc.
} Civic use- civic use of water
includes water for Public purposes such as cleaning streets, recreational
purposes like swimming pools, public fountains and ornamental ponds, fire
protection and public parks.
} Industrial use- In industries water
is used for fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling, or
transporting a product.
} Aggricultural use- Aggricultral use
of water includes Irrigation pesticide and fertilizer application,
and sustaining livestock.
} Power Production- water power is used for production of
electricity. The most common type of hydroelectric power plant uses a
dam on a river to produce electricity
} There are three main sources of water
} 2. SURFACE WATER- Impounding reservoirs, Rivers and streams, Tanks, ponds and lakes.
} 3. GROUND WATER- Shallow wells, Deep
wells and Springs ..
} Rain is the primary source of all
water present on the earth. A part of the rain water sinks into the ground to
form ground water; part of it runs off to form streams and rivers which flow
ultimately into the sea and Some of the water in the soil is taken up by the
plants and is evaporated by the leaves.
} Rain water is the purest water in
nature. Physically, it . is clear, bright and sparkling. Chemically and it is
very soft water containing only traces of dissolved solids.
} Rain water tends to become impure as
it passes through the atmosphere, It picks up suspended impurities from the
atmosphere such as dust, and
microorganisms and gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen and ammonia
} It is the main source of water supply
in many areas. Examples of surface water include rivers, tanks, lakes, ponds,
man-made reservoirs such as dams, canals baoli and sea water.
} Man made reservoirs such as
impounding reservoirs, underground tanks, overhead tanks are main source of
water supply in urban areas and large developed villages.
} Sea water is found in large quantity
on the earth but it is not potable. It’s salt content is very high. Desalting
and demineralization process involves heavy expenditure.
} Ground water is the cheapest and most
practical means of providing water to small communities. Ground water is
superior to surface water because it has very less impurities.
} Ground water is less polluted as it is not exposed to
humans and animals for contamination. it is fit for drinking as it is a source
of fresh water. it is used for irrigation with the help of tube
wells. it can be used throughout the year even in dry seasons when most of
the surface water gets evaporated.
} Ground water has high mineral content such as calcium and
magnesium which render the water hard . it requires pumping or some arrangement
to lift the water. The usual ground water sources are wells and springs.
Wells have been classified into shallow and deep wells, dug and tube wells.
} Even today, wells are an important
source of water supply in many communities specially in rural areas.
Technically, wells are of two kinds
} (1) Shallow wells
} (2) deep wells
} Shallow wells are less deep and
receive only subsoil water (the water from above the first impervious layer in
the ground). They yield limited quantities of water, and the water may be
polluted due to surrounding conditions of land.
} Most of the wells in India are of the
shallow type. shallow wells are liable to pollution from neighbouring sources
of contamination such as latrines,
urinals, drains, cesspools, soakage pits etc.
} Deep wells are more deep than Shallow
wells. deep wells receive water from the water-bearing stratum below the first
impervious layer in the ground. Deep wells provide the safest water.
} A sanitary well is one which is
properly located, well constructed and protected against contamination and
provide continuous supply of safe and clean water
} A sanitary well should be located not
less than 15 m (50 feet) away from likely sources of contamination.
} The well should be located at a
higher elevation with respect to a possible source of surrounding
} The lining of the well should be
built of bricks or stones set in cement up to a depth of at least 6 m (20 feet)
so that water enters from the bottom and not from the sides of the well.
} The lining should be carried 60-90 cm
(2-3 feet) above the ground level with parapet wall.
} There should be a cement-concrete
platform round the well extending at least 1 m (3 feet) in all directions
} The platform should have gentle slope
outwards towards a drain built along its edges.
} The top of the well should be closed
by a cement concrete cover
} The well should be have a hand-pump
for lifting the water in a sanitary manner. The handpump should be of robust
construction to withstand rough handling by the people.
} The tap water or piped water supply
is the main source of water supply in urban areas and some large villages. It
is the safest water supply as it is from a covered reservoir of a water
treatment plant.
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