SMALL SCALE WATER PURIFICAION IN ENGLISH

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}  Water Purification is the process of making water clean and safe to drink.  Normally it is discussed under two headings:

}  1. Purification of water on a large scale.

}  2. Purification of water on a small scale.

}  Small scale purification of water  is needed to provide safe drinking water to a small population. It is done in two ways –

}  (1) Household purification of water

}  (2) Disinfection of wells


}  Main methods for household purification of water  are as follows-

}  1. Boiling

}  2. Chemical disinfection

}  3. Filtration


}  Boiling is a satisfactory method of purifying water for household drinking purposes. Boiling kills all bacteria, spores, cysts and ova and yields sterilized water. Boiling also removes temporary hardness by driving off carbon dioxide and precipitating the calcium carbonate.

}  Water should be boiled preferably in the same container in which it is to be stored to avoid contamination during storage. Water should be boiled for 20 minutes. The taste of water is altered on boiling, but this is harmless.


}  (1) Adding Bleaching powder: Bleaching powder or chlorinated lime (Ca0Cl2 ) is a white amorphous powder with a pungent smell of chlorine. It provides free chlorine when dissolved in water, this chlorine kills pathogenic organisms present in water.

}  Bleaching powder should be stored in a dark, cool, dry place in a closed container that is resistant to corrosion. The principle in chlorination is to ensure a "free“ residual chlorine of 0.5 mg/litre at the end of one hour contact.

}  (2) Adding chlorine solution: Chlorine solution is prepared from bleaching powder. If 4 kg of bleaching powder with 25 per cent available chlorine is mixed with 20 litres of water, it will give a 5 per cent solution of chlorine. Ready-made chlorine solutions in different strengths are also available in the market.

}  (3) High test hypochlorite: High test hypochlorite (HTH) or perchloron is a calcium compound which contains 60 to 70 per cent available chlorine. It is more stable than bleaching powder and deteriorates much less on storage.

}  (4) Chlorine tablets : These tablets are manufactured in various strengths and are now available in plenty, in the Indian market at a cheap rate. A single tablet of 0.5 g is sufficient to disinfect 20 litres of water.

}  (5) Iodine : Iodine may be used for emergency disinfection of water. Two drops of 2 per cent ethanol solution of iodine will sufficient for one litre of clear water. A contact time of 20 to 30 minutes is needed for effective disinfection.

}  (6) Potassium permanganate: Once widely used in India but now it is no longer recommended for water disinfection. Although a powerful oxidizing agent, it is not a satisfactory agent for disinfecting water.


}  Water can be purified on a small scale by filtering through ceramic filters. The essential part of a filter is the "candle" which is made of porcelain or infusorial earth.

}  Mainly there are three types of filter used for domestic purpose . These are Pasteur Chamberland filter, Berkefeld filter and "Katadyn" filter. Pasteur chamberland filters contains porcelin candle, berkefeld filters contains infusorial candles.

}  In the Katadyn filter, the surface of the filter is coated with a silver catalyst so that bacteria coming in contact with the surface are killed by the "oligodynamic“ action of the silver ions, which are liberated into the water.

}  Filter candles of the fine type usually remove bacteria found in drinking water, but not the filter-passing viruses. Filter candles are logged with impurities and bacteria after some time. They should be cleaned by scrubbing with a hard brush under running water and boiled at least once a week.

}  Nowadays more sophisticated RO filters and UV filters are also available in the market for domestic use. These fitlers are costly but very effective for water purification


}  Wells are the main source of water supply in the rural areas. Wells are disinfected time to time specially during epidemics of cholera and gastroenteritis. The most effective and cheapest method of disinfecting wells is by bleaching powder.

}  For disinfecting wells is by bleaching powder following steps are taken.

}  1. measure volume of water in the well by this formula

VOLUME (LITERS ) = 3.14XD2XH/2X1000

depth of water column- (h) metre and  diameter of well- (d) metre

}  2. calculate the amount of bleaching powder required to disinfect the well. Normally 2.5 gm bleaching powder would be required to disinfect 1,000 litres of water.

}  3. Dissolve required quantity of bleeching powder in watar.

}  4. make thin paste of solution by adding  bleaching powder into one bucket of and fill it with water.( fill only 3/4th )

}  5. stir well to make smooth thin solution and keep it 10 minutes for sedimentation.

}  6. take supernatant solution into another bucket and discard lime paste.

}  7. The bucket containing the chlorine solution is lowered some distance below the water surface, and the well water is agitated by moving the bucket violently both vertically and laterally to mix chlorine solution with water.

}  8.  the water should be allowed to use for drinking only after one hour of contact period.

}  9. it is a good practice to disinfect ell at night and start using water next morning. It will allow sufficient contact time.

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