INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS IN ENGLISH

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            The Red Cross is a non-political, non-official, international humanitarian organization devoted to the service of mankind in peace and war. International red cross society was founded in 1863. The Red Cross emerged by initiative of a man named Henry Dunant, who helped wounded soldiers at the battle of Solferino in 1859 and then lobbied political leaders to take more action to protect war victims.


           His two main ideas were for a treaty that would oblige armies to care of all wounded soldiers and for the creation of national societies that would help the military medical services. He proposed further that these societies should have a protective emblem and trained workers and their services to the wounded should be protected by international treaty. Based on his idea international red cross founded in 1863.


           The First Geneva Convention took place in 1864 and a treaty was signed for the relief of the wounded and the sick of the armies in the field. It has since grown into a great agency with branches all over the world. In 1919, the League of the Red Cross Society was created with headquarters in Geneva to coordinate the work of the national societies. . Now its official name is the International committee of the red cross.



           The International committee of the red cross have 6 official bodies for administration.

           The Assembly is the supreme governing body of the ICRC. It oversees all ICRC activities. 

           The Assembly Council is a subsidiary body of the Assembly. It prepares the Assembly's activities and takes decisions

           The Office of the President  is made up of a president and a vice-president. The president represents the ICRC on the international scene. The vice-president assists the president in carrying out his duties and substitutes for the president when he is absent.

           The Directorate is the ICRC's executive body, responsible for implementing and overseeing the institutional strategy and general objectives. 

           The Internal Audit Unit is an internal oversight body, which independently and objectively monitors and assesses the organization's performance and efficiency according to recognized international standards. 

           The Data Protection Commission (or DPC) is the ICRC body responsible for Personal Data Protection and  ruling on the rights of individuals when their cases or other data-protection cases are referred to it.


The functions of international redcross  includes-


1.        Addressing sexual violence- Sexual violence is prevalent in many modern conflicts including war. The ICRC is stepping up its efforts to prevent this crime and help the victims.Building respect for the law


2.        Building respect for law- To protect and assist the victims of war and other violence, the ICRC seeks to ensure respect for their rights. This includes reminding authorities and others of their legal obligations under international humanitarian law and international human rights law


3.        Cooperation with national red cross societies- The ICRC works closely with the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Federation to ensure a concerted, efficient and rapid response to conflict or violence. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the largest humanitarian network in the world.


4.        Helping detainees- The ICRC aims to secure humane treatment and conditions of detention for all detainees, regardless of the reasons for their arrest and detention. We also seek to alleviate the suffering of their families, particularly by restoring communication between detainees and their relatives.


5.        Helping migrants refugees and asylum seekers- The ICRC has adopted a broad description of migrants, to encompass all people who leave or flee their home to seek safety or better prospects abroad, and who may be in distress and need of protection or humanitarian assistance. Refugees and asylum seekers, who are entitled to specific protection under international law, are included in this description.


6.       Restoring family links- Conflict and disaster separate families, leading to years of uncertainty about the fate of a relative. The ICRC and the National Societies locate people, exchange messages, reunite families and clarify the fate of missing persons. ( for detail visit website)

7.       Water and habitat-  The ICRC provides water in conflict zones and creates or maintains a sustainable living environment. Ultimately, this work reduces death and suffering due to damage to infrastructure or disruption to water supplies.

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