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            Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord caused by bacteria or viruses. Meningococcal meningitis is an acute bacterial disease, characterized by sudden onset of fever, intense headache, nausea and often vomiting, stiff neck and photophobia.


            Meningococcal meningitis is caused by a bacteria named as Niesseria meningitidis. N. meningitidis is a gram-negative diplococci. 12 serotypes of this bacteria have been identified. Based on the structure of the polysaccharide capsule These are A, B, C, 29E, H, I, K, L, W135, X, Y, Z.


            It spreads from cases and carriers of the disease. Mode of transmission is direct contact and droplet infection as nose and throat secretions of  infected people contains the bacteria. It is also found in CSF of the infected person. Incubation period is 3 to 4 days but it may vary from  2 to 10 days.


Ø  For most of patients it is an asymptomatic disease. Many infected people become asymptomatic carriers of the bacteria and serve as a reservoir and source of infection for others.

Ø  Symptoms may include-

Ø  Sudden onset of intense headache,

Ø  fever,

Ø  nausea and vomiting,

Ø  photophobia,

Ø  stiff neck (nuchal rigidity) pain during flexion due to spasm of neck muscles.

Ø  Positive Kernig’s sign is present : When the patient is lying with the thigh flexed on the abdomen, the leg cannot be completely extended.

Ø  Positive Brudzinski’s sign: When the patient’s neck is flexed, flexion of the knees and hips is produced

Ø  Petechial rashes (tiny red flat spots) may appear.

Ø  Disorientation and memory impairment are common early in the course of the illness.

Ø  Behavioral manifestations are also common.

Ø  As the illness progresses, lethargy, unresponsiveness, and coma may develop.

Ø  The disease is fatal within 24-48 hours in 5-10 per cent of cases even with prompt antimicrobial treatment in good health care facility.



            History and physical examination .

            CSF examination after LP

            Blood culture.

            CT scan



            Treatment with antibiotics is effective against this . Penicillin is the drug of choice.

            Other antibiotics such as ceftriaxone sodium, cefotaxime sodium, Vancomycin hydrochloride are also effective along with dexamethasone.

            Adequate hydration and drugs to control seizures may also be needed.


Ø  On admission in the ward a careful assessment is made and based on this initial  assessment a nursing care plan is prepared.

Ø  Neurologic status and vital signs are continually assessed. Pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas values are used to quickly identify the need for respiratory support

Ø  The patient also is encouraged to discuss any anxieties and concerns about the disease.

Ø  Psychological support is provided to the patient and family members to alleviate anxiety.

Ø  Antibiotics and other medications are administered on time as prescribed .

Ø  Rapid IV fluid replacement is given as, but care is taken to prevent fluid overload.

Ø  In case of fever measures are taken to reduce body temperature as quickly as possible such as cold sponging and giving prescribed antipyretic medicine.

Ø   During convulsion, the most important duty of a nurse is to prevent any type of injury .

Ø  Monitoring daily body weight, maintenance of intake output chart should be continued and properly recorded.

Ø  Frequently position change is essential to prevent complications associated with immobility, such as pressure ulcers and pneumonia.

Ø  Health education regarding prevention of spread of this disease should be provided to family members and other relatives.

Ø  Concurrent and terminal disinfection is also a good preventive measure.

Ø  Vaccination against meningococcal meningitis is available and should be encouraged.

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