NGO IN ENGLISH

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            The NGO or voluntary health agencies have an important place in community health services. A voluntary health agency may be defined as “an organization that is administered by an autonomous board which holds meetings, collects funds for its support chiefly from private sources and expends money, whether with or without paid  workers, in conducting a programme directed primarily to promoting the public health by providing health services or health education, or by advancing research or legislation for health, or by a combination of these activities”


           The voluntary health agency may also  be defined “as a non-profit association of lay and professional leaders dedicated to the alleviation of certain health problems, which is dependent for most of its funds upon voluntary public contributions”



           The functions of voluntary health agencies includes-

           1. Supplementing the work of government agencies- Government agencies cannot provide complete service because they operate under financial and statutory restrictions. The voluntary health agencies can help strengthen the work of government agencies by lending personnel, or by contributing funds for special equipment, supplies or services

           2. Guarding the work of government agencies- By setting a good example the voluntary health agencies can always guide and criticize the work of government agencies. There are some NGOs which have done outstanding work in the field of public health such as sulabh international, which has set an example of best practices in environmental sanitation activities.

           3. Pioneering the work -  The voluntary health agencies are in a position to explore ways and means of doing new things. Research is one form of pioneering. When the efforts succeed and bear fruit, the government agencies can step in and take over the project for the benefit of the larger group.

           The family planning programme in India is an example of pioneering by the voluntary agencies. The program was first spearheaded the movement by the NGOs, in the face of much opposition. When the importance of family planning was realised and being accepted by the public, the government accepted family planning as a national policy.

           4. Education- There is unlimited scope for health education in India. The government agencies cannot cope with the problem, unless it is supplemented by voluntary effort on the part of the people. Health education regarding prevention of communicable diseases and importance of  family welfare are of particular importance and well covered by voluntary health agencies.

           5. Demonstration- Demonstration is the best teaching methodology for general public. The voluntary health agencies use demonstration methods to explain healthful behavior and activities. The demonstration of bore hole latrines by the Rockefeller Foundation to solve the problem of hookworm in India is the best example of this system.

           6. Advancing health legislation- The voluntary agencies can also mobilize public opinion and advance legislation on health matters for the benefit of the whole community. NGOs can collect public opinion by survey and other data collection methods. These data can be used for making laws related to public health advancement.

           7. Environmental health- The voluntary agencies can also use it’s resources for environmental protection which is ultimately beneficial for health. NGOs have, in particular, played an important role in raising environmental concerns, developing awareness of environmental issues and promoting sustainable development.

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