UNICEF: AN INTRODUCTION IN ENGLISH

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           UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations. It was established in 1946 by the United Nations General Assembly to deal with rehabilitation of children in war affected countries. In 1953 the General Assembly gave it a new name "U.N. Children's Fund" but retained the initials, UNICEE


           The headquarters of the UNICEF is in New York ( USA) . The Executive Board is the governing body of UNICEF, providing intergovernmental support and oversight to the organization, in accordance with the overall policy guidance of the United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. At present UNICEF is working in 190 countries.


           The Executive Board reviews UNICEF activities and approves its policies, country programmes and budgets. It comprises 36 members, representing the five regional groups of Member States at the United Nations. Its work is coordinated by the Bureau, comprising the President and four Vice-Presidents, each officer representing one of the five regional groups.



         Child protection and inclusion

           UNICEF advocates that every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment. UNICEF works with partners around the world to promote policies and expand access to services that protect all children. Greater attention is being given to the concept of the "whole child" meaning that assistance should hence forward be geared not only to health and nutrition but also to their long-term personnel development

         Child survival

           According to UNICEF every child has the right to survive and thrive. UNICEF is helping to reduce child mortality all over the world by working to reach the most vulnerable children, everywhere. UNICEF is focusing attention on providing primary health care to mothers and children and emphasis is placed on immunization


           UNICEF works around the world to support quality learning for every girl and boy, especially those in greatest danger of being left behind. Science laboratories equipment, workshop tools, library books, audiovisual aids are being made available to educational institutions around the world.

         Environment and climate change

           Children are the most vulnerable to environmental changes. the climate changes makes crises more common, it becomes harder to recover from them. UNICEF supports initiatives to make schools, health centers, water and sanitation facilities – and other services critical to children’s well-being – resistant to climate and environmental shocks.

         Social policy

           UNICEF is working around the world to reduce child poverty and shield girls and boys from its lifelong consequences. Projects are undertaken by UNICEF to upgrade basic services  especially for children and women - in selected cities and towns. The overall objective is to improve the degree and quality of survival and development of the children of urban low-income families.

         UNICEF in emergencies

           Reaching every child in emergencies is a very important work of UNICEF. It is on the ground before, during, and after emergencies, working to reach children and families with lifesaving aid and long-term assistance. UNICEF is working towards every kind of emergency for war zone to pandemics like COVID 19 for welfare of affected children.

         Protection of Children with disability

           Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society. Facing daily discrimination in the form of negative attitudes, lack of adequate policies and legislation. Protecting the rights of children with disabilities is  an integral part of UNICEF working policy.

         Supply and logistics

           UNICEF is continuously delivering solutions to reach every child at risk. UNICEF delivers sustainable access to lifesaving supplies, food items and even vaccines and vaccination equipments, where they are most needed, accelerating results for the most vulnerable children.    

         Research and analysis

           UNICEF’s global programmes and initiatives are grounded in rigorous research and thoughtful analysis about the situation of children. The office runs the Best of UNICEF Research annual competition, seeking to identify, reward and further promote the best research efforts across UNICEF’s 190+ offices. 



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