CHIKUNGUNYA IN ENGLISH

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Ø  Chikungunya is a  dengue-like disease which results in intense joint pain and maculopapular rashes


Ø  Chikungunyais caused by chikungunya virus .  It is an RNA virus that belongs to the alphavirus genus of the family Togaviridae


Ø  The virus is transmitted by bite ofadese mosquito.the mosquito can pick up the virus as it ingests the blood from an infected person. The virus then undergoes replication in the mosquito, before  it can then be transmitted back to a new host, when the mosquito bites healthy person.


Ø  Sign and symptoms of chikungunya includes-

Ø  Arthralgia or joint pain- primarily in the wrist, knee, ankle and small joints of the extremities, lasting days to months.

Ø  In many patients, onset of arthritis is followed by maculopapular rashes (after 1–10 days) usually non-pruritic, affecting mainly the trunk and limbs.

Ø  Buccal and palatal spots may appear.

Ø  The rash resolves within 7–10 days, and is followed by a fine desquamation.

Ø  epistaxis

Ø  Cervical lymphadenopathy 

Ø  Paraesthesias and tenderness of palms and soles may occur

Ø  Other symptoms are

Ø  coffee-coloured vomiting,

Ø  fever

Ø  petechiae.

Ø  chills,

Ø  Anorexia and

Ø  conjunctivitis.


Ø  Serological tests, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), may confirm the presence of IgM and IgG anti-chikungunya antibodies

Ø  The virus may be directly detected in the blood during the first few days of infection as well by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR)


Ø  There is no specific treatment of chikungunya infection and it is usually self limiting.

Ø  Only supportive treatment is needed such as -Analgesics, antipyretics like paracetamol, diclofenac sodium, and chloroquine along with fluid supplementation are recommended to manage infection and relieve fever, joint pains and swelling.


Ø  Health education regarding prevention and control of chikungunya is very important step to prevent it.

Ø  Control of mosquitos is another  important measure to prevent chikungunya .

Ø  Insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) are the most universally useful measure for the prevention of chikungunya

Ø  Control of larval stages by elimination of mosquito breeding sites, for example by filling and draining the water collection site.

Ø  The use of larvivorous fish especially Gambusia is well known in mosquito control

Ø  General cleanliness is also helpful in eliminating breeding places of aedes mosquito.

Ø  Isolation of patient and preventing him from mosquito bite also help in preventing further transmission of chikungunya.

Ø  Vector control also involves the application of pesticides in the form of fog or mist using special equipment. The ultra-low-volume method of pesticide dispersion by air or by ground equipment has proved to be effective.

Ø  Wear long sleeved clothing and long trousers when going out to protect ourselves from mosquito bite.

Ø  Apply mosquito repellent cream to exposed skin.

Ø  Use screens/net over doors and windows; if no screens are available, close windows and doors at night.

Ø  Use anti mosquito coil or electric mosquito killer to reduce number of vector.


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