JSY IN ENGLISH

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Ø Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is a scheme for safe motherhood under the National  Rural Health Mission (NHM).

Ø Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched on 12th  April 2005 by modifying the National Maternity Benefit Scheme (NMBS). The NMBS came into effect in August 1995 as one of the components of the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP)



Ø The objectives of the scheme are –

Ø Reducing maternal mortality and infant mortality through encouraging delivery at health institutions, and

Ø Focusing at institutional care among women in below poverty line families.



Ø JSY is a 100 % centrally sponsored scheme and it integrates cash assistance with delivery and post-delivery care.

Ø  This benefit will be given to all women, both rural and urban, belonging to below poverty line household and aged 19 years or above, up to first two live births.

Ø The Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) would work as a link health worker between the poor pregnant women and public sector health institution.

Ø The scheme focuses on the poor pregnant woman with special dispensation for states having low institutional delivery rates

Ø under this scheme the states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Orissa and Jammu and Kashmir are called as  Low Performing States (LPS), the remaining states have been named as High performing States (HPS).

Ø ASHA/AWW or any other identified link worker  Assist the pregnant woman to get registered under this Yojana and  help her to obtain necessary certificates such as JSY card along with a MCH card.

Ø ASHA/AWW or any other identified link worker  also help the women in receiving at least three ANC checkups including TT injections, IFA tablets, Identify a functional Government health centre or an accredited private health institution for referral and delivery.

Ø Eligibility for Cash Assistance is as follows:

Ø LPS States- All pregnant women delivering in Government health centres like Sub-centre, PHC/CHC/ FRU / general wards of District and state Hospitals or accredited private institutions

Ø HPS States-  BPL pregnant women, aged 19 years and above

Ø LPS & HPS states - All SC and ST women delivering in a government health centre like Sub-centre, PHC/CHC/ FRU / general ward of District and state Hospitals or accredited private institutions

Ø Cash assistance amount-

Ø The mother and the ASHA (wherever  applicable) should get their entitled money at the heath centre immediately on arrival and registration for delivery.

Ø Disbursement of cash to the mother should be done through the ANM/ASHA/ Link worker channel and the money available under JSY should be paid to the beneficiary only

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