RCH 1 - RCH 2 IN ENGLISH

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           Reproductive and child health program was launched in 1997. It is defined as “People have the ability to reproduce and regulate their fertility; women are able to go through pregnancy and childbirth safely, the outcome of pregnancy is successful in terms of maternal and infant survival and well being; and couples are able to have sexual relations free of the fear of pregnancy and contract diseases”


           Objectives are Reproductive and child health program are as follows:

           • To bring down the birth rate below 21 per 1000 population,

           • To reduce the infant mortality rate below 60 per 1000 live birth .

           • To bring down the maternal mortality rate

           • To increase institutional delivery 80%, proper antenatal care up to  100% and immunization of children up to 100% were other targeted objectives of the RCH programme


Ø The RCH programme  provides an integrated package of services, which will include the following activities-

Ø Services for mothers during pregnancy, child birth and post-natal period, and also safe abortion services, whenever required.

Ø Services for children like newborn care, immunization, Vitamin A prophylaxis, Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) for diarrhoea, management of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), anaemia control etc.

Ø  Services for eligible couples through availability and promotion of use of contraceptive methods, and infertility services when required.

Ø Prevention and management of Reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

Ø Adolescent health services including counseling of family life and reproductive health.


           To further boost the services to mother and children and to stabilize population through integrated approch, the RCH program was upgraded and the Reproductive and child health program phase II was launched on 1st April 2005.



Ø • To bring down maternal mortality and morbidity.

Ø • To bring down child mortality and morbidity.

Ø • Special emphasis on rural health care

Ø To stabilize population through integrated, focused and participatory approach



Ø The activities and strategy under RCH programme phase II includes-

Ø Essential obstetric care – it includes Promotion of institutional deliveries.50% of the PHCs and CHCs made operational as 24 hours delivery centers. Providing skilled attendance at birth and Policy decision to permit Health workers to use drugs in emergency situations to reduce maternal mortality

Ø Emergency obstetric care – Emergency obstetric care includes- Operationalization of FRUs to provide: – 24 hours delivery services

Ø – Emergency obstetric care

Ø – New born care and emergency care of the sick child

Ø – Full range of family planning services

Ø – Safe abortion services

Ø – Treatment of RTI and STI

Ø  – Blood storage facility

Ø  – Essential laboratory services

Ø – Referral ( transport ) services

Ø New initiatives includes

Ø • Training of PHC doctors in life saving anesthetic skills for emergency obstetric care a FRUs

Ø • Setting up of blood storage centers at FRUs

Ø • Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

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