watch my youtube video to understand this topic in easy way-
Ø The National TB Programme (NTP) was launched
by the Government of India in 1962. with the following Objectives-
Ø -To detect maximum number of cases of TB
among the patients attending OPD of any health facility
Ø - To vaccinate newborns and infants with BCG
Ø - To reduce no of cases infecting by one
patient to one only.
Ø - To reduce prevalence of cases of children
bellow 14 years of age to one.
Ø Despite full efforts under National
Tuberculosis Program (NTP) the treatment
success rates were unacceptably low and the death and default rates remained
high. Spread of multidrug resistant TB was threatening to further worsen the
situation. In view of this, in 1993 Government of India launched a revised
strategy and renamed the program as Revised National Tuberculosis Control
Program (RNTCP).
Ø RNTCP activities ere implemented in phased
manner. It was started as a pilot project in 1993 in selected districts.
Large-scale implementation began in late 1998. The RNTCP has expanded rapidly
over the years and 30 percent population was covered by the year 2000, 80 %
population was covered by the year 2004 and by the year 2006 whole country was
covered under RNTCP
Ø 1. To achieve and maintain a
cure rate of at least 85% among newly detected infectious (new sputum smear
positive) cases
Ø 2. To achieve and maintain
detection of at least 70% of such cases in the population.
Ø 3. To increase community awareness
through IEC activities.
1. Augmentation of organizational support at centre and state level.
2. Use sputum testing as primary method of diagnosis
3. Standardized treatment regimen as DOTS
4. Ensuring regular, uninterrupted supply of Ante TB drugs
strategy adopted by Revised National TB Control Programme initially had the
following five main components:
Political will and administrative
Commitment for implantation of this program.
Diagnosis of TB by quality assured sputum smear microscopy.
Adequate supply of quality assured short course chemotherapy drugs.
Directly observed treatment through DOTS provider.
Systematic monitoring and accountability at every level.
the RNTCP Case finding is passive. Patients presenting themselves with symptoms
suspicious of tuberculosis are screened through 2 sputum smear examinations.
Sputum microscopic examination is done in designated RNTCP microscopy centres.
After confirmation patient is provided treatment under DOTS treatment system.
DOTS treatment system patients are divided in two categories.
Cat. 1
(New cases)-
sputum smear positive
sputum smear negative
extra‐pulmonary and New others
Cat. 2
(Previously treated cases)-
positive relapse
positive failure
•Smear positive
treatment after default and
• others
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