UNDER FIVE CLINIC IN ENGLISH

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Ø Under five clinic concept was developed to provide a comprehensive care to the children under 5 years of age.

Ø These clinics provide curative, preventive and promotive health services to the children

Ø Under 5 clinics foucus on early identification of developmental problems in chidren


Ø Main goals of under five clinic are-

Ø To provide comprehensive health care to young children at one place.

Ø To identify developmental problems as early as possible.

Ø To start treatment and care for the disorders at the earliest.

Ø To provide adequate nutrition

Ø To immunize the child at right time

Ø To prepare parents for family planning

Ø To provide health education to promote health

Ø To assess the growth and development of children


Ø The symbol of under five clinic is triangular in shape. The apex of the large triangle represents care in illness, which includes early identification and treatment of the childhood problems

Ø the left triangle indicates growth monitoring including proper nutrition nutrition and the

Ø Right triangle indicates preventive care including immunization.

Ø the outer boundary represents health education to the parents regarding comprehensive of the child.

Ø Central inverse triangle indicates family planning services for small family.


Ø Following services are provided by under five clinics-

Ø Immunization- vaccination to protect the children from  vaccine preventable diseases under UIP.

Ø Growth monitoring- it is done by mantaining height and eight chart (road to health chart).

Ø Nutritional services- Malnutrition is the major health problem among children. Under five clinics try to improve nutrition by counseling regarding breast feeding and removing myths about nutrients.

Ø Oral rehydration- Dehydration is a major cause of deaths among children under 5 years of age. Use of ORS can prevent these deaths.

Ø Family planning services- A small family can provide better nutrition care and health services to children so family planning services are provided to parents.

Ø Health Education- Health education is the best, cheap and effecting tool in preventing diseases and promoting health among children. Aware parents take care of children in a better way

Ø Curative services- Free treatment of childhood illness and developmental problems are provided at under five clinics as early as the diagnosis is made.

Ø Referral services- In case of serious illness timely referral services are provided to the children by these clinics.

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