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Ø Wound is defined as a break in the continuity of the tissue. Wound are divided in Five types-

Ø Incised Wound.

Ø Lacerated Wound.

Ø Contused Wound.

Ø Punctured Wound.

Ø Amputation

Ø Incised Wound-Incised wounds are caused by sharp objects, such as knives or shards of glass, slicing into the skin. Depending on the injury, underlying blood vessels can be punctured, leading to significant blood loss.

Ø Lacerated Wound- A laceration is a wound that is produced by the tearing of soft body tissue. This type of wound is often irregular and jagged. A laceration wound is often contaminated with bacteria and debris from whatever object caused the cut

Ø Contused Wound-Contusions are a type of hematoma or any collection of blood outside a blood vessel. When there is a blunt trauma, capillaries or blood vessels are injured and blood leaks into the surrounding area.

Ø Punctured Wound-A puncture wound is a forceful injury caused by a sharp, pointed object that penetrates the skin. A puncture wound is usually narrower and deeper than a cut .

Ø Amputation-Traumatic amputation is the loss of a body part, usually a finger, toe, arm, or leg, that occurs as the result of an accident or injury. It is normally associated ith severe blood loss.


Ø The most common symptoms of wounds are-

Ø Pain,

Ø Swelling and

Ø Bleeding.

Ø Depending on the location and type of injury, some wounds will hurt, bleed and swell more than others. 


Ø Place the injured person in comfortable position and reassure him/her. If only bruises are there with no bleeding than clean the wound under running water to remove dirt and make it clean and dry with sterile or clean clothe.

Ø If bleeding is continue than apply direct pressure over the wound with your fingers using a sterile dressing or clean, non-fluffy pad, to stop bleeding.

Ø Remove any foreign bodies which are visible and can be easily picked out than Clean the wound under running water.

Ø If there is an object penetrated deep in the wound, do not try to remove the object.

Ø Do not disturb any blood clot formed over the wound otherwise bleeding may start again.

Ø If there is an object deep in the wound, apply pressure on either side of the object, to stop bleeding.

Ø Elevate the bleeding part above heart level, only if fracture is not suspected.

Ø When bleeding is stopped, secure the dressing with the help of a bandage and transport the patient to the hospital as early as possible.

Ø If there is traumatic amputation of a body part, Control blood loss by applying direct pressure and raising the injured part above the casualty’s heart.

Ø Place a sterile dressing or clean pad on the wound, and secure it with a bandage.

Ø Wrap the severed part in kitchen film or a plastic bag. Wrap the package in gauze or soft fabric and place it in a container full of crushed ice.

Ø Call ambulance giving detail of the accident, closely monitor the client as client may have severe blood loss and shock. The Patient should be transported to trauma center along with the amputated part, as early as possible.

Ø If the casualty has been crushed under heavy object and you cannot move the cause of injury, leave him in the position found, call ambulance, reassure and closely monitor him.

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