RH INCOMPATIBILITY IN ENGLISH

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Ø The problem of Rh incompatibility  occurs when husband is Rh positive and wife is Rh negative. 

Ø Rh incompatibility may result in HDN (hemolytic disease of newborn). HDN is a life threatening condition for newborn.

Ø Rh incompatibility results in HDN only after first pregnancy/first abortion.


Ø In Rh incompatibility  during first pregnancy the fetus may be Rh positive or Rh negative (chances are 50 % for babies of the couple to be Rh positive). If the baby is Rh negative than there will be no problem but if the baby is Rh positive than problem starts.

Ø Rh positive blood cells of the baby may enter into mother’s circulation during delivery process. The immune system of mother is activated in response to Rh antigen of the baby.

Ø Mother’s immune system prepares Rh antibody in response to this reaction. but it does not affect current baby as it is already delivered.


Ø Rh incompatibility dose not have any harmful effect on mother it affects only Rh positve baby of next pregnancy. During subsequent pregnancies if the baby is Rh positive than Rh antibodies can cross placenta and Rh positive blood cells of baby are destroyed by Rh antibody of mother.

Ø This condition is known as Hemolytic Disease of fetus/Newborn. HDN results in anemia, jaundice in the fetus and death (abortion) may occur.

Ø If fetus is able to survive than the Newborn ill have severe anemia and jaundice.

Ø If a mother have back to back abortions than the cause may be Rh incompatibility. It should be clear in our mind that first born baby are not affected by this problem unless mother have past history of abortion or miscarriage. All Rh positive children of later pregnancies are affected with Rh incompatibility.



Ø Development of Rh antibody in Rh negative mother can be prevented if anti Rh antibody injection is given to mother during her first pregnancy. first dose is given around 8th week and second dose is given within 72 hours of delivery or abortion. This injection is known as Rh immunoglobulin injection or anti D immunoglobulin injection.

Ø This injection in also given after abortion or any bleeding during first pregnancy of Rh negative mothers. (if the couple have Rh incompatibility)

Ø Rh immunoglobulin binds the infants Rh antigen and prevent mother’s immune response to produce Rh antibodies.

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