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          Occipitofrontalis- this muscle have one central aponeurosis (epicranial aponeurosis) that attaches to the central part of cranium and two muscular bellies (anterior and posterior). Anterior (frontal) belly attaches to the Skin superior to supraorbital margin. it raises eyebrows, and wrinkles skin of forehead

          Posterior (occipital) belly attaches to the Occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone. Contraction of this portion Draws scalp posteriorly.

          Orbicularis oris- this muscle surrounds the mouth. It helps in closing and protruding the lips. It also help in shaping the mouth during speaking

          Zygomaticus major - this muscle originates from zygomatic bone and inserts in the skin at the angle of mouth and orbicularis oris. It help in smiling.

          Zygomaticus minor- this muscle originates from zygomatic bone and inserts in the upper lips. It helps in raising the upper lips and exposing upper teeth.

          Levator labii superioris- this muscle originates from maxilla bellow the eye balls and inserts in the skin at the angle of mouth and orbicularis oris. It helps in raising upper lips.

          Depressor labii inferioris- this muscle originates from mandible and inserts in the skin of lower lip. It helps in lowering the lower lips.

          Depressor anguli oris- this muscle originates from mandible and inserts in the skin at angle of the mouth. It helsp in  opening of the mouth (lateral and downward movement of angle of mouth).

          Levator anguli oris- this muscle originates from maxilla and inserts in the skin at angle of the mouth and orbicularis oris. It helps in opening of the mouth and smiling.

          Buccinator- this muscle originates from maxilla and mandible and inserts in  orbicularis oris. It press the cheek towards teeth and help in sucking, whistling and keeping the food under teeth during chewing.

          Risorius- this muscle originates from fascia over the parotid gland and inserts in the skin at angle of the mouth. It draw angle of mouth laterally as in grimacing

          Platysma- this muscle originates from fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles and inserts in Mandible, muscle around angle of mouth, and skin of lower face. It help in depressing the lower jaw and slight downward movement of lower lips.

          Mentalis- this muscle originates from mandible and inserts in skin of chin. It help in elevating and protruding lower lips and elevating chin as in pouting

          Corrugator supercilii-  this muscle originates from Medial end of superciliary arch of frontal bone and inserts in skin under the eyebrow. It Draws eyebrow inferiorly & wrinkles skin of forehead vertically as in frowning.

          Orbicularis oculi- this muscle originates from Medial wall of orbit and take a circular path around the orbit. It help in closing the eye. All muscles discussed till no are innervated by facial nerve        (7th cranial nerve)

          Extra ocular muscles- there are 6 extra ocular muscles around each eye which moves the eyeball. These are-

          01. Superior rectus- this muscle originates from common tendinous ring attached to orbit (annulus of zinn) and inserts in superior and central part of eye ball. It helps to move eye upwards.

          02. Inferior rectus- this muscle originates from common tendinous ring and inserts in inferior and central part of eye ball. It helps to move eye downwards

          03. Medial rectus- this muscle originates from common tendinous ring and inserts in medial and central part of eye ball. It helps to Move eyeballs medially

          04. Lateral rectus- this muscle originates from common tendinous ring and inserts in lateral and central part of eye ball. It helps to Move eyeballs laterally.

          05. Superior oblique- this muscle originates from sphenoid bone and common tendinous ring and it’s tendon pass through trochlea of eyeball before inserting into eyeball between superior rectus and lateral rectus.  It help to rotate the eyeball medially.

          06. Inferior oblique- this muscle originates from Maxilla in floor of orbit  and inserts into eyeball just bellow the lateral rectus.  It help to rotate the eyeball laterally.

          Extra ocular muscles are innervated by 3rd and 4th cranial nerves.

          Levator palpebrae superioris- this muscle originates from Roof  of orbit  and inserts into upper eyelid. It help in opening the eye. This muscles is innervated by 3rd  cranial nerves.

          Masseter- this muscle originates from Maxilla and zygomatic arch and inserts into Angle and ramus of mandible. It elevates the mandible and help in closing the mouth. This muscles is innervated by 5th  cranial nerves.

          Temporalis- this muscle originates from temporal bone and inserts into Coronoid process and ramus of mandible. It Elevates and retracts the mandible. This muscles is innervated by 5th  cranial nerves.

          Medial pterygoid- This muscle originates from Medial surface of lateral portion of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone & maxilla bone and inserts into angle and ramus of mandible. It Elevates and protracts (protrudes) mandible and moves it from side to side. This muscles is innervated by 5th  cranial nerves.

          Lateral pterygoid- This muscle originates from lateral surface of lateral portion of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone and inserts into condyle of mandible. It protracts (protrudes) mandible, depress the mandible (opening of mouth) and moves it from side to side. This muscles is innervated by 5th  cranial nerves.

          Genioglossus- This muscle originates from central inner surface of mandible and inserts into undersurface of tongue and hyoid bone. It protracts (protrudes)  and depresses the tongue

          Styloglossus- This muscle originates from styloid process of temporal bone and inserts into side and undersurface of tongue  . It retracts (draw posteriorly)  and elevates the tongue

          Palatoglossus- This muscle originates from anterior surface of soft palate and inserts into side of tongue. It Elevates posterior portion of tongue and draws soft palate down on tongue.

          Hypoglossus- This muscle originates from greater horn and body of hyoid bone and inserts into side of tongue. It Depresses tongue and draws down it’s side.

          Genioglossus, styloglossus, palatoglossus and hypoglossus muscles are innervated by 12th cranial nerve

          Digastric- This muscle originates as having two bellies, anterior belly arises from mandible and posterior belly arises from  temporal bone and inserts into body of hyoid bone. It Elevates hyoid bone and depresses mandible. (5th cranial N.)

          Stylohyhoid- This muscle originates from styloid process of temporal bone  and inserts into body of hyoid bone. It elevates hyoid bone and draws it posteriorly. It is innervated by 7th cranial nerve

          Mylohyhoid- This muscle originates from inner surface of mandible and inserts into body of hyoid bone. It elevates hyoid bone and depresses mandible. It is innervated by 5th cranial nerve

          Geniohyhoid- This muscle originates from inner surface of mandible and inserts into body of hyoid bone. It elevates hyoid bone and depresses mandible and draw tongue and hyoid bone anteriorly. It is innervated by C1 spinal nerve

          Omohyhoid- This muscle originates from superior border of scapula and inserts into body of hyoid bone. It depresses the hyoid bone. It is innervated by C1-C3 spinal nerve

          Sternohyhoid- This muscle originates from Medial end of clavicle and manubrium of sternum and inserts into body of hyoid bone. It depresses the hyoid bone. It is innervated by C1-C3 spinal nerve.

          Sternothyroid- This muscle originates from manubrium of sternum and inserts thyroid cartilage of larynx. It depresses thyroid cartilage of larynx. It is innervated by C1-C3 spinal nerve.

          Thyrohyoid- This muscle originates from thyroid cartilage of larynx  and inserts into greater horn of hyoid bone. It elevates the thyroid cartilage of larynx and depresses the hyoid bone. It is innervated by C1-C2 spinal nerve.

          Sternocleidomastoid- This muscle originates from sternum and clavicle and inserts into mastoid process of temporal bone. It  rotates and flexes head to opposite side when works alone. These muscles flex neck when work  together. It is innervated by 11th  cranial nerve.

          Semispinalis capitis- This muscle originates from Transverse processes of first six thoracic vertebrae and seventh cervical vertebra and articular processes of fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae and inserts into Occipital bone between superior and inferior nuchal lines. It  rotates  head to opposite side when works alone.  These muscles extend neck when work  together. These muscles are innervated by cervical spinal nerves.

          Longissimus capitis-  This muscle originates from transverse processes of upper four thoracic vertebrae and articular process of lower four cervical vertebrae and inserts into mastoid process of temporal bone. It  rotates and   laterally flexes head to same side  when works alone. These muscles extend neck when work  together. These muscles are innervated by cervical spinal nerves.

          Scalene muscles- There are three paired muscle in the neck known as anterior scalene, middle scalene and posterior scalene. Anterior scalene originates from Anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of cervical  vertebrae C3-C6 and inserts into Scalene tubercle of the first rib. Middle scalene originates from posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of cervical  vertebrae C2-C7 and inserts into Upper surface of the first rib.  Posterior scalene originates from posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of cervical  vertebrae C5-C7 and inserts into lateral surface of the second rib. These muscles rotates and flexes neck. They also act as accessory muscles of inspiration. These muscles are innervated by cervical spinal nerves (brachial plexus).

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