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Ø Anthrax is an acute bacterial disease that mainly affects
the skin, but it may involve the
oropharynx, mediastinum or intestinal tract.
Ø Anthrax is caused by a a Gram-positive, encapsulated,
spore forming, nonmotile rod shaped
bacteria –
Ø bacillus anthracis.
Ø Person-to-person transmission is rare.
Ø Anthrax is mainly a disease of herbivores; humans and
carnivores are incidental hosts. it is an occupational hazard primarily of
workers who handle bone and bone products and wool, agriculture and wildlife
workers who handle infected animals (close contact).
Ø Animals shed the bacilli in terminal hemorrhages or blood
at death. On exposure to the air, vegetative cells produces spores, which
remain viable in contaminated soil for years. Dormant anthrax spores may be
passively redistributed in the soil and adjacent vegetation through the action
of water, wind and other environmental forces
Ø itching of exposed skin surface occurs first, followed by
a lesion that becomes papular, then vesicular and in 2–6 days develops into a
depressed black eschar.
Ø Moderate to severe and very extensive oedema is also seen
that usually surrounds the eschar.
Ø Pain is unusual and, if present, is due to oedema or
secondary infection.
Ø Obstructive airway disease due to associated oedema may
complicate cutaneous anthrax of the face or neck
Ø Untreated infections may spread to regional lymph nodes
and the bloodstream with overwhelming septicaemia
Ø The meninges can become involved leading to meningitis
like sign and symptoms.
Ø Untreated cutaneous anthrax has a case-fatality rate
between 5% and 20%;
Ø Initial symptoms of inhalation anthrax are mild and
nonspecific and may include fever, malaise and mild cough or chest pain; acute
symptoms of respiratory distress and death.
Ø Intestinal anthrax is rare and present with abdominal
distress , followed by fever, signs of septicaemia and death in typical cases.
Ø Laboratory confirmation is done through demonstration of
the causative organism in blood, lesions or discharges by direct polychrome
methylene blue stained smears or by culture.
Ø The standard treatment for anthrax is an antibiotic such
as ciprofloxacin, doxycycline or
levofloxacin. The length of treatment
depends on how the patient was infected with anthrax, age and overall health status.
Ø Some cases of anthrax are treated with surgical removal
of infected tissue.
Ø Provide health education to employees who handle
potentially contaminated articles about modes of anthrax transmission, care of
skin abrasions and personal cleanliness.
Ø Control dust and properly ventilate work areas in
hazardous industries, especially those handling raw animal materials.
Ø Maintain continuing medical supervision of employees and
provide prompt medical care of all suspicious skin lesions.
Ø Workers must wear protective clothing; adequate
facilities for washing and changing clothes after work must be provided.
Ø Vaporized formaldehyde has been used for disinfection of
workplaces contaminated with B. anthracis.
Ø Thoroughly wash, disinfect or sterilize hair, wool and
bone, meal or other feed of animal origin prior to processing.
Ø If anthrax infected animal dies, the preferred disposal
technique is incineration at the site of death or removal to a rendering plant,
ensuring that no contamination occurs en route to the plant Because anthrax
spores may survive for years if the carcases are buried.
Ø Inform animal handlers that they should immunize and
annually reimmunize all domestic animals at risk. Treat symptomatic animals
with penicillin or tetracyclines; immunize them after cessation of treatment.
These animals should not be used for food until a few months have passed.
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