CONCEPTS OF DISEASE IN ENGLISH

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Ø Disease is a condition in which health is impaired or in other words we can say a departure from a state of health is called as disease.

Ø When our body is not at ease than it is a disease or it is an alteration of the human body interrupting the performance of vital functions


Ø According to Webster dictionary disease is defined as “a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally”

Ø According to Oxford dictionary disease is defined as “a condition of the body or some part or organ of the body in which its functions are disrupted or deranged".


Ø As evolution of concepts of health, concepts of causation also evolved. Before 19th century supernatural theory of disease was widespread accepted. Every one believed that disease is caused by either curse of God or due to evil forces. People used to please the gods by prayers or witchcraft activities to tame the evil forces.

Ø During 19th century germ theory of disease evolved. Germ theory of disease is generally referred to as a one-to-one relationship between causative agent and disease. The disease model as per this theory is :

Ø Disease agent   -       Man    -     Disease

Ø Germ theory of disease also had many limitations so a new concept evolved that is epidemiological triad. epidemiological triad shows the interaction between host agent and environment. According to this theory presence of all three factors are necessary for a disease to occur.

Ø Later on  multifactorial causation concept evolved . According to this concept the disease is caused by many factors. The term agent is replaced by causative factors. This concept was able to explain causation of non-communicable diseases also where a single agent is not responsible for a disease.

Ø Web of causation : MacMahon, Pugh, and Ipsen (1960) suggested that a linear causal chain of multiple factors does not take into account for many disorders. A complex interaction between each component of the chain is necessary to disease to occur. This can be understood by the example of heart disease web of causation.


Ø The disease "agent" is defined as a substance, living or non-living, the presence or lack/absence of which may initiate the disease process. The disease agents may be classified into different groups such as biological agents, chemical agents, physical agents, nutrient agents, mechanical agents social agents etc.

Ø Biological agents- These are living agents of disease. Biological agents includes bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa etc.

Ø Chemical agents- These are endogenous or exogenous chemical agents which may produce diseases such as acid, alkali, metals etc.

Ø Physical agents- These are excessive heat, cold, humidity, pressure, radiation, electricity, sound, etc  over-exposure to them may result in illness.

Ø Mechanical agents-  Chronic friction, pressure and other mechanical forces may result in crushing, tearing, sprains, dislocations and even death.

Ø Nutrient agents- Nutritional deficiency diseases occur due to deficiency of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate etc.

Ø Social agents-  social agents of diseases includes poverty, smoking, abuse of drugs and alcohol, unhealthy lifestyles, social isolation, maternal deprivation etc.


Ø Infection-  Infection is defined as entry and multiplication of pathogenic organism in the body.

Ø Nosocomial Infection- A nosocomial infection is contracted because of an infection or toxin that exists in a certain location, such as a hospital (hospital acquired infection)

Ø Incubation period-  the time between exposure to infection to appearance of sign and symptoms is known as incubation period.

Ø Window period- it is the time between first infection and when the test can reliably detect that infection.

Ø Endemic disease- The constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area or population group (normally occurring disease of the area)

Ø Epidemic- it is defined as sudden increase of cases  of disease than expected in a given area or among a specific group of people over a particular period of time.

Ø Pandemic-   it is defined as an epidemic occurring over a very wide area (several countries or continents) and usually affecting a large proportion of the population. 

Ø Hyper endemic disease- A disease that is constantly present at a high incidence and/or prevalence rate in a particular area.

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