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          Rectus abdominis- This muscle  arises from pubic crest and pubic symphysis and inserts into Cartilage of fifth to seventh ribs and xiphoid process. These muscles help in flexion of vertebral column. this muscle is innervated by T7-T12 spinal nerves.

          Transversus abdominis- This muscle  arises from iliac crest, inguinal ligament , lumber fascia and cartilage of 5th to 10th ribs. This muscle inserts into xiphoid process, linea alba and pubis. These muscles compresses the abdomen. this muscle is innervated by T8-T12 spinal nerves.

          External oblique- This muscle  arises from 5th to 10th ribs and inserts into iliac crest and linea alba. Working unilaterally it laterally flexes/rotates the vertebral column and hen both moucles act together the compress the abdomen and flex vertebral column.  These muscles are innervated by T7-T12 spinal nerves.

          Internal oblique- This muscle  arises from iliac crest, inguinal ligament & lumber fascia and inserts into  linea alba and cartilage of 7th to 10th ribs. Working unilaterally it laterally flexes/rotates the vertebral column and when both muscles act together they compress the abdomen and flex vertebral column.  These muscles are innervated by T7-T12 spinal nerves.

          The anterolateral abdominal wall is composed of skin, fascia, and four pairs of muscles that we have discussed just now. The external oblique is the superficial muscle. Its fascicles extend inferiorly and medially. The internal oblique is the intermediate flat muscle. Its fascicles extend at right angles to those of the external oblique. The transversus abdominis is the deep muscle, with most of its fascicles directed transversely around the abdominal wall.

          The rectus abdominis muscle is a long muscle that extends the entire length of the anterior abdominal wall. The aponeuroses (sheath like tendons) of the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles form the rectus sheaths, which enclose the rectus abdominis muscles. The sheaths meet at the midline to form the linea alba ( white line), a tough, fibrous band that extends from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the pubic symphysis.

          Quadratus lumborum- This muscle arises from iliac crest and ilio-lumber ligament and inserts into Inferior border of twelfth rib and first four lumbar vertebrae. This muscle forms the posterior abdominal wall. Working unilaterally it laterally flexes the vertebral column and when both muscles act together they extend vertebral column. These muscles are innervated by T12,L1-L3 spinal nerves


          Diaphragm- This is a dome shaped muscle and have a central tendon and separates chest cavity from abdominal cavity. It  arises from xiphoid process, costal cartilages of lower 6 ribs and lumber vertebrae. Diaphragm help in respiration. This muscle is innervated by phrenic nerve. (formed by C3-C5 spinal nerves)

          External intercostals- The 11 pairs of external intercostal muscles lies  superficial  to internal intercostals, and their fibers run in an oblique direction inferiorly and anteriorly from the rib above to the rib below. They elevate the ribs during inhalation to help expand the thoracic cavity. These muscles are innervated by T2–T12 spinal nerves.

          Internal intercostals- The 11 pairs of internal intercostal muscles lies deep to external intercostal, and their fibers run in an oblique direction opposite to external intercostal They elevate the ribs during inhalation to help decrease the volume of the thoracic cavity. These muscles are innervated by T2–T12 spinal nerves.

          Subclavius- This muscle arises from first rib and inserts into clavicle. These muscles Depresses and moves clavicle anteriorly and helps stabilize scapula. These muscles are innervated by subclavian nerve.

          Pectoralis minor- This muscle arises from 3rd 4th and 5th rib and inserts into coracoid process of scapula. These muscles abduct scapula and rotate it downwards. These muscles are innervated by medial pectoral nerve.

          Serratus anterior- This muscle  arises from first eight ribs and inserts into medial border and angle of scapula. These muscles abduct scapula and rotate it upwards. It is also known as boxer’s muscle. These muscles are innervated by long thoracic nerve.

          Trapezius- This muscle  arises from superior nuchal line of occipital bone and spines of C7-T12 vertebrae and inserts into clavicle and acromion process of spine of scapula. These muscles abduct scapula and rotate it upwards and stabilizes the scapula. These muscles are innervated by 11th cranial and C3-C5 spinal nerves.

          Levator scapulae- This muscle arises from transverse process of C1-C4 cervical vertebrae and inserts into upper medial border of scapula. These muscles elevate the scapula and rotate it downwards. These muscles are innervated by dorsal scapular nerve and C3-C5 spinal nerves.

          Rhomboid major- This muscle  arises from Spines of T2–T5  thoracic vertebrae and inserts into medial border of scapula. These muscles elevate & adduct scapula and rotate it downwards and stabilizes the scapula. These muscles are innervated by dorsal scapular nerve.

          Rhomboid minor- This muscle  arises from Spines of C7–T1 vertebrae and inserts into medial border of scapula. These muscles elevate & adduct scapula and rotate it downwards and stabilizes the scapula. These muscles are innervated by dorsal scapular nerve.


          Levator ani- This muscle have three components, and these are  pubococcygeus iliococcygeus and puborectalis.

          The Pubococcygeus arises from Pubis and ischial spine and inserts into Coccyx, urethra, anal canal, perineal body of the perineum and  anococcygeal raphe.  The iliococcygeus arises from  ischial spine and inserts into Coccyx. 

          Puborectalis is a thick narrow, medial part of the levator ani. It forms a U-shaped muscular sling around and behind the rectum, just cephalad to the external sphincter

          Levator ani muscles supports and maintains position of pelvic viscera; constricts anus, urethra, and vagina. This muscle is included in pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are innervated by sacral spinal nerve (S2-S4).

          Ischiococcygeus- This muscle  arises from ischial spine and inserts into sacrum and coccyx. These muscles supports and maintains position of pelvic viscera. This muscle is also included in pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are innervated by sacral spinal nerve (S4-S5).


The perineum is the region of the trunk inferior to the pelvic floor. It is a diamond-shaped area that extends from the pubic symphysis anteriorly, to the coccyx posteriorly, and to the ischial tuberosities laterally. Several perineal muscles insert into the perineal body of the perineum. Perineal body is a fibro-muscular structure or central tendon located in the midline of the perineum

Ø  Superficial transverse perineal- This muscle  arises from ischial tuberosity and inserts into perineal body of perineum. These muscles supports and maintains position of perineal body of perineum. These muscles are innervated by perineal branch of pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

Ø  Bulbospongiosus- This muscle  arises from perineal body and inserts into corpus spongiosum of penis, deep fascia on dorsum of penis in male and root and dorsum of clitoris in female. These muscles help in expelling urine and semen through urethra in male and constricting vagina and erection of clitoris in females. These muscles are innervated by perineal branch of pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

Ø  Ischiocavernosus- This muscle  arises from ischial tuberosity and ramus of ischium and pubis and inserts into corpus cavernosum of penis in male and clitoris in female. These muscles help in maintaining erection of penis in male and erection of clitoris in females. These muscles are innervated by perineal branch of pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

Ø  Deep transverse perineal- This muscle  arises from ramus of ischium  and inserts into perineal body of perineum. These muscles help to expel last drops of urine and semen in male and urine in female. These muscles are innervated by perineal branch of pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

Ø  External urethral sphincter- This muscle  arises from ramus of ischium and pubis and inserts into neck of urethra in male and vaginal wall in female. These muscles help to expel last drops of urine and semen in male and urine in female. These muscles are innervated by  pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

Ø  Compressor urethrae- This muscle  arises from ramus of ischium and pubis and inserts into compressor urethrae of other side, anterior to urethra. These muscles act as accessory sphincter of urethra. These muscles are innervated by  pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

Ø  Sphincter urethro-vaginalis- This muscle  arises from perineal body and inserts into Sphincter urethrovaginalis of other side, anterior to urethra. These muscles act as accessory sphincter of urethra and compressing vagina in females. These muscles are innervated by  pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

Ø  External anal sphincter- This muscle  arises from anococcygeal ligament and inserts into perineal body. These muscles keep anal opening closed. These muscles are innervated by inferior rectal branch of pudendle nerves of sacral plexus

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