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Factors affecting supervision-

Ø Supervision is affected by following factors-

Ø Technical and managerial knowledge

Ø Leadership skills

Ø Effective communication

Ø Impartiality

Ø Clear instructions

Ø Proper working condition

Ø Human relation skills

Ø Upward relations


Ø Technical and managerial knowledge-

Technical and managerial knowledge of supervisor is very important for effective  supervision. The supervisor should have good knowledge about technical aspects of job and also the managerial aspects.

For supervision in nursing the supervisor should be a nursing expert. The supervisor should also have knowledge of principles of supervision and management. This understanding makes the supervision effective and successful

Ø Leadership skills-

Effective supervision needs leadership skills in supervisor. The leadership skills of supervisor can motivate and inspire subordinates for better performance.

Ø Effective communication-

Effective communication is another key factor that affects supervision in any organization. The supervisor needs better communication skills to interact and give instructions to subordinates.

Ø Impartiality-

Effective supervision is always based upon impartiality. The supervisor should be impartial and fair in dealing with the work of individual in an organization. Impartiality creates trust between subordinates and supervisor

Ø Clear instructions -

Clear and complete instructions help to maintain effective supervision in the organization. The supervisor should communicate complete instructions to the workers and provide proper guideline to perform the task.

Ø Proper working condition-

Favorable working conditions inspires subordinates to perform the task effectively and obey the guidelines properly. This condition makes the supervision effective

Ø Human relation skills -

The quality of the relationship between supervisor & supervisee is probably the single most important factor for effective supervision. The supervisor should approach every employee as an individual although members of different groups may be diverse in appearance, speech, values, beliefs, and behavior

Ø Upward relations -

To ensure good quality of supervision, the supervisor’s upward relations must be well established, which means to say that supervisors should be regularly allowed to present their views and suggestions to top executives in this regard to the personnel and their work performance, for which the top management must pay adequate attention

Ø Qualities of a good supervisor

1.    The supervisor should possess forcefulness, integrity and firmness nature.

2.    The supervisor should be fully aware of the job and the rules and regulations.

3.    The supervisor should also be aware of the existing situation.

4.    The supervisor should be intelligent and willing to grow.

5.    The supervisor should possess good judgment sense.

6.    The supervisor should have the ability to delegate duties and responsibilities.

7.    The supervisor should give continuous guidance, co-operation and co-ordination.

8.    The supervisor should have sympathetic attitude and good listening.

9.    The supervisor should be willing to adopt new policies and accept changes according to  health, enthusiasm for work and human interests

10.                    The supervisor should be approachable and fair (treat individual impartially).

11.                    The supervisor should have ability to communicate information tactfully and skillfully.

12.                    The supervisor should have the ability to work with others.

13.                    The supervisor should have the knowledge of activities, techniques and procedures.

14.                    The supervisor should have objectivity, impartiality and fairness in dealing.

15.                    The supervisor should have the ability to inspire and take immediate action

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